chapter 27 ||

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I woke up before my alarm. Unusual for me, but yesterday wasn't exactly usual either so I'm not too surprised. I took a shower and got ready, before going downstairs.

I had a lot of time, so I decided to make pancakes for both me and Jimin. I did feel sort of a responsibility to stay home with him, but In reality I couldn't. After making a few, I turned around, and screamed.

There stood Jimin, without making a noise or anything. I put my hand on my heart, trying to stabilise my breathing. "My god you scared me" I said, slightly smiling after.

"Sorry, didn't mean to. Couldn't sleep anymore" he chuckled. "It's okay. Do you want pancakes?" I asked. He nodded. I smiled again, before continuing what I was doing. Jimin came closer, leaning against a nearby counter. "You look pretty" he suddenly blurted out.

It caught me off guard. "Oh, thank you" I awkwardly answered him. "Do you have dance today?"

"I do, is that fine? I'll be home around 3." I asked. He nodded. I nodded back, before reaching for the plates in the top cabinet. I tried to grab them but I was too short. "Need some help with that?" Jimin chuckled. I put the plates down and gave him an annoyed look. "Ya think?" I joked. He smiled and walked over.

He stood right behind me, and as he reached up grab the plates ,I got hit with the smell of his cologne. God that smell.

He handed them to me with a smile. "Thanks" I mumbled out. He stared at me for a few seconds before I awkwardly looked away. Silence fell as we both sat down to eat. I didn't know what to say, things just felt weird.

"Y/N I'm sorry.." I suddenly heard from him. "What?" I nearly choked on my food. He sighed. "I'm sorry" he repeated. I swallowed my food before smiling.

"It's okay, really. I got over it" I answered him, and awkwardly chuckled. After a few seconds I checked the time. "Well I'm walking today so I better get going. There is food in the fridge, you know how to work a TV I assume so...just let me know if you need me okay?" I said while getting up.

He nodded and continued to eat. "Oh and the doctor is coming today when I'm back"

"Funnnn" he joked. I laughed, and pulled him in for a hug. "I hope your feeling a little better" I said. He held around me tightly, and nodded.

"Okay then, see you later" I said as I walked out the door.


The school day flew by, and now I was standing with Namjoon and Jin before dance, talking about everything.

"So he's fine?" Namjoon asked. "Not really sure, not fine but...I think he's like..okay maybe" i hesitantly said. "But don't go around telling people, you guys are the only ones that know!"

They nodded in agreement. "Oh and Jin don't forget, Dr.puke is coming at 5" I reminded him.

"Dr. Puke...?" Namjoon questioned. Jin of course started laughing. I gave him the finger before looking at the time. "Well why don't Jin tell you that story, he loves it" I rolled my eyes before walking away. I could hear Jin's laugh all the way down the hallway

I walked into the room and saw Jungkook playing on his phone. "Hi" I said while walking towards him. He turned around with a grin, and opened his arms.

"Hi there" he answered as I crashed into his arms. That hug felt necessary after these 24 hours. "You smell so good" I said into his chest. He chuckled and kissed the top of my head.

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