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This was originally going to be named 'cupcakes'

nvm it's slight angst


(Tsukasa POV)


I woke up to Rui no where to be seen. I felt strange, as if I had gotten extra sleep.. turns out I felt that way because I did sleep in. What?! Why didn't I wake up to the alarm? Why didn't Rui wake me up?! I rushed downstairs to see if my mother was home, instead Rui was in the kitchen. "Rui?!" I yelled out confused, "oh you're up! I'm making us breakfast—"

"What about school?!" I asked getting closer, does Rui even know how to cook?? "Woa calm down, Saki called asking if you could come over. She said she was 'back at the bad hospital' and needed to see you or else she would 'die of boredom'" Rui said the last part with a giggle. "I thought you could go visit her early, you know, so the boredom doesn't get to her." Rui finished, looking over at me with a smile.

I playfully punched his shoulder, "this is just an excuse for you to skip school isn't it?" I asked, knowing fully well I was right. "Hmm? I would never!" He said, playing along, while setting the omelette he made onto a plate.

He gestured for me to take a seat and placed the plate in front of me. It actually looks good.. Rui struck me as the person who would set the house on fire if he tried to cook but— "Are you going to try it or sit and stare?" Rui teased, poking my cheek with his finger. I'm really not hungry though..

Even so, I took a little into my mouth. It tasted good, really good, but my stomach hurt at just the thought of eating a bit more. However, I forced it down, I didn't want to hurt his feelings and it really did taste good. The sickening feeling faded quickly, filling me with relief.

"This is really good Rui!!" I said, my mouth stuffed, It had been a while since I've eaten like this. I saw Rui turn a slight shade of pink at my complement from across the room.  "I'm glad you like it!" He said, with a hum, sounding very genuine and sweet. I was done by the time he finished his omelette, "Seriously where did you learn to cook? Can you make sweets??" I asked while my eyes lit up.

He nodded while stuffing his omelette into his mouth and I felt a smile grow on my face,

Me and Saki used to make cupcakes together when we were younger, well, actually it would mostly be me baking them to give to her at the hospital. Either way, it has been a while since I had made any. Just then, I thought of baking some to bring over to her, "hey Rui? Do you, by chance, know how to bake cupcakes?" I asked. "Of course I do! Why?" Rui tilted his head slightly and looked over at me, "I want to bake some with you and give them to my sister!" I said while getting up, this was surely a great idea.

Rui soon followed me to the kitchen, placing down our plates in the sink, as I gathered all that was needed. "Here!" I said, getting everything set up. Rui looked to be slightly surprised at how fast I had everything prepared. "I used to make these for my sister all the time," I said with a big smile.

"Fufu, that's sweet.. alright where should we get started?" He asked, getting closer, "Here, mix these, I'll go get the dry ingredients and preheat the oven!" I said while shoving a bowl with wet ingredients into his hands.

~~Time skip~~

The kitchen.. was a bit of a mess. By a bit I mean we made a huge mess, but, at least the cupcakes were finished! We made many, so me and Rui had a taste test. As expected, they were amazing.. although a little burnt.

"Alright, let's go deliver these." Rui said, completely disregarding the mess being left behind. "No way! What if my parents come home? I'd be in so much trouble!" I argued while pushing him back into the kitchen. "You're helping me clean this up." I said with a pout, giving him a towel and pointing to a side where some frosting was spilt.




It took a while but, after an hour and a half maybe, we were finally done. "Now we can go get these to her." I said, running upstairs to get dressed since I had yet to change out of my indoor clothes. When I came back down Rui was waiting for me at the door, with the packaged cupcakes in hand.

"Let's go!" I said marching out. I smiled, thinking to myself, Saki is going to be so happy!! As I got into Ruis car. He insisted we drive there, even though the hospital was quite close.

~~time skip to hospital~~

We walked into the hospital and I instantly asked to see Saki. The food at this hospital was always bad, so Saki usually likes me bringing her takeout or a bento box I made. Therefore, I ordered takeout from her favorite place, getting her some honey shrimp. Rui followed behind as I approached Sakis room, I was pretty sure my parents were at work so I just burst in with a "SAKIII!",

"BROTHER!" Saki yelled back from inside as I made my way in. "Sorry I wasn't here yesterday, I got you some food to make up for it though!" I said with a grin, I could hear Rui giggle from behind me. "Hello there Saki! Me and Tsukasa made you some cupcakes!" Rui greeted Saki, taking a seat next to where I sat.

Saki grinned, "That's so sweet of you guys!" She said while I placed the shrimp down next to her. "I also got you this, so you don't have to eat the food here hehe." I said as she beamed.

We talked for hours, until eventually visiting hours were over. Saki was free to leave tomorrow, she was getting better quickly.. she's always quick to.

And so, just like that we were back home. I felt reassured, I mean Saki was doing great after all. My mum greeted me and Rui, she ordered us pizza and we went up to my room to watch a movie.

Time passed by quickly and before I knew it, I was getting ready for bed. "Tsuuu! You're taking forever!!" Rui whined from the other side of the door. "Just a bit more I need to finish my routine!" I whisper yelled, knowing my mum was asleep and I shouldn't make much noise.

I finally left the bathroom, Rui sighed out a "finally" and entered it after me. I scoffed and got onto my bed. Almost instantly falling into a half-asleep state.
Only the worry had come to get me again.

A while ago I promised to meet up with vivid bad.. by a while I mean a while. I promised Toya to come visit his troupe back when we were having our 'Tenma Night'. He said I could stop by whenever but I forgot. It came up into the conversation me and Saki had at the hospital, very briefly, as I shook it off to pay attention to Rui instead.

But now it was back in my head, like a bug (bababagu sa bagubagu). I'm afraid that something will go wrong. As I haven't heard much from them, and I knew they were most likely hurting do to the loss of a member.

.. it'll probably be fine, plus I'm more than happy to help

I'll talk to them at lunch tomorrow.

Talking about lunch, I'll have to avoid Akito the best I can. Hopefully if he sees I'm with others he will leave me alone. Then I won't have to deal with his bull shit anymore


...why am I making myself seem like such the victim?

I gave into the conversation after all.

More newfound guilt ate at me now,

I have to be better than that! I should just stay quiet. I'll pretend he doesn't exist!

I was brought back to life when I felt a small peck on my forehead. I smiled, hearing Rui whisper a "you where awake..?" Before falling quiet.


Tomorrow will be a good day, I won't let anything bad happen!


That's not true, this is an angst book.

(Prepare for the amazing addition of Ena btw)

Ok Gn now it's 2:30 in the morning d( ̄  ̄)


Fading Smile [Ruikasa angst]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ