☆Fine then,☆

901 24 74

(Art creds to rui5656 on Twt)

I promise there will be fluff soon-

Also tysm for 3k reads aaaaaaa ( ' ▽ ' )

(Tsukass Pov)

"finally, you aren't being so fucking stubborn!" I mumbled and he glared at me.

...I shouldn't have said that.

"I didn't mean that.." I said backtracking, the last thing I wanted was to fight. "...stubborn huh." Rui said, he was clearly annoyed do to all the fighting today.. so this only made it worse. I opened my mouth to say something "..." yet nothing came out. "I see.." He said heading towards the door. "Rui please," I sighed but he only walked back downstairs, my mum was probably asleep and I had no idea where my dad was.

I hurriedly walked behind him, what is he doing?!. "I'm sorry!" I apologized afraid of anymore drama sprouting. He sighed and gave a small, seemingly forced, smile. "No, I'm sorry. I need...imma go take a walk." He said, not daring to look back. "Rui no stop please!" I insisted grabbing his wrist, resulting in him wincing.

However, as much as I tried to stop him, he insisted on going out by himself. I was getting angry, I mean, how could someone be so strong headed?! "Seriously! This is proof of how stubborn you are! Can't we talk this out or something?!" I spoke without thinking, which tipped him over the edge.

"Well aren't you a fucking hypocrite." He said pulling his arm out of my hands. Ouch.. hypocrite. It's not the first time I've been called that, but hearing it from someone I loved.. whatever, "How am I a hypocrite?? I'm trying to—". Well I attempted to fight back, but Rui only cut me off. "I mean, if I ever tried to stop you from going for a simple walk I'd surely be dead meat." He said, making absolutely no sense, what's gotten into him!? "How would you know that!?" I asked, raising my voice. "it's just in your character.."

My character?? How does he- does he genuinely think that lowly of me? I guess so.. "...you know what? Fine then, leave!" My face heated up as I pointed to the door angrily. He sighed, mumbling a guilty 'sorry', along with a guilty smile, as he walked out the door with a bag.

I stormed up to my room, paying no mind to Saki. I was exhausted. I felt a warm, wet, sensation on my cheeks and cringed, hugging the Pegasus plushie Rui got for me as comfort. It felt weird to be in such an empty bed. I only hugged the plushie tighter, clenching my teeth.

'A walk' where are you even going to go? It's nearly midnight! It's dangerous to be on the streets at this time. I clenched even harder, why does he have to be like this?! Surely he'd come back, and they'd all make up tomorrow. I should get his clothes read-


His clothes aren't here?

Neither is his bag..

A realization slowly hit me. Did he pack all his stuff!?  Surely not. Yet, as much as I searched, I found nothing belonging to him. Besides his props in the corner, the only actual thing left behind was his matching keychain. No no no no no no

You can't be serious!

I quickly picked up my phone and texted him over and over, called him, I even left voice mails, but to no avail. Where is he even planning on going!? He's just got into a fight with Nene! Surely he can't go back to his home.. he wouldn't!

Guilt started eating me in and out. I tried to comfort myself, after all it wasn't entirely my fault, but my mind kept going to ways I could've prevented all of this.

For now, however, I was stuck on my bed. Tears pouring out of my eyes, as I slowly drifted to sleep.




I slammed my hand on the alarm clock, turning it off. That was the worst sleep I've ever had. Rui wasn't besides me, and still isn't. I felt horrible, it's not like I got much sleep, and yet I had to go to school. I couldn't afford to miss a day, I couldn't risk my grades. The thought of where Rui could be didn't leave my mind though.

~~Time skip to school hours~~

I walked into the hallway, spotting Nene. As soon as she made eye contact with me she ran up to me. "Is Rui with you??" She asked, panic laced her voice. "About that.." I said looking to the side. "Oh god.. what happened!?" She asked.. I've never seen her like this. "He ran off last night." I said avoiding eye contact. "And you just let it happen!?" She said in an angry tone, yet her face was of concern. The bell rang and we were both hushed by teachers, forced to separate.

~~another time skip waaaaah~~

It was now lunch break, right after that we had free period. Me and Nene that was, Rui would usually skip his class though to hang out with us during this period..

I couldn't spot Nene anywhere, eventually, I grew tired and headed for the rooftop. It's where I usually eat. Nenes probably with emu or something. I said to myself, feeling oddly lonely. However, a certain figure caught my eye. They were sitting on the bench me and Rui would usually sit in for lunch

Is that..

"Akito?" I asked. He jumped, surprised, but gave me a smile upon seeing me. "Ah, sorry is this your spot.." he asked rubbing his neck nervously. "...yea." I said sitting down next to him. "I'll go." But before he could get up I stoped him. "Wait! you can stay.. Rui isn't here so" I really just wanted to tell someone what was happening, Akito helped the last time.. surely he had a good motive and is better now!

"...is something bothering you?" He asked starting me. "Huh-? How did you.." "you seem off, what's up?" He cut me off, budging my shoulder. "Well.."
I started, then nervously sighed. "Rui and Nene got in a fight.." I swear I saw Akito grin from my peripheral vision. "Is that so?, that's weird." He said humming. "..I know." I mumbled.

"I thought Rui liked Nene." Akito said and I paused. "Huh? What do you mean.." I said as my voice got weaker. "I mean, don't tell him I told you, but he said he had a crush on Nene a few weeks ago. For him to loose feelings so quickly, feels odd." Akito said looking off into the sky. "Is that so?" I questioned, my mind had gone blank.

Did Rui really say that?

The bell rang and Akito got up. "I have a class to attend to, see you later Tsukasa senpai?" He said running off "see you..".

I was still confused.

So very confused.


Short chapter yippeee

(I promise Ruis not a bad guy just in a mood)



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