chapter 92 a case of the Mondays

Start from the beginning

Izuku:alright it's a song about the point of view of a drug talking to a drug addict but other then that it's a good song you can't deny Dido has a beautiful voice

Tsuyu:yes I'll admit do that Kero

Izuku:if you're cold I'll keep you warm!

Tsuyu:and here comes to singing Kero

*Tsuyu said with an amused smile as izuku started singing as if he was on The voice*

Scene change

*Izuku kisses tsuyu's cheek before getting out of the car*

Tsuyu:I'm cooking tonight anything you have in mind? Kero

Izuku:hm... something light i can still feel the stone of all that orange chicken we had on a few days ago

Tsuyu;got it i love you Kero

Izuku:i love you too

*Izuku watched tsuyu drive off and glanced to the black Volvo driving after it. Inside that Black volvo was one of his part time workers NFY following tsuyu just to make sure she stays safe. Was it paranoia? Oh absolutely, did he care? Not even a little. Does tsuyu know? Well she slowed down so the Volvo could catch up so probably. Will she be annoyed when she comes to pick him up? Yes, yes she will*

Meanwhile with tsuyu

*We see her walking in the store getting the ingredients for the dinner and ignoring NFY horrible hiding abilities, tsuyu froze when a some kid dropped a wine bottle the crash made tsuyu breathing hitch as she looked at the alcohol in the ground her ears started to ring as the world started to get smaller and smaller for her. She snapped out of the thought when she heard the little kid crying as the mother was punishing him. Tsuyu took a few shaky breaths and kept walking*

Tsuyu"they can't see you kero. They don't know you kero. For magneto sake you're wearing 3 jackets, 2 scarfs and a hat that's hiding all you're hair Kero. You are fine they won't get to you, you are safe kero"

*Tsuyu kept repeating in her mind while she kept doing her breathing exercises. Once she paid she made a straight line to mutt putting the groceries in the back she got inside and closed the doors with locks taking a huge breath of relief holding tightly the steering wheel she jumped and fumbled her phone as it rang putting it against her ear*

Tsuyu:hello Kero?

Izuku; it's me how you doing?

Tsuyu: almost had a small panic attack other then that I'm fine Kero

Izuku:ok what else do you have to do today?

Tsuyu:just a few more errands why? Kero

Izuku;do them tomorrow you did enough  today

Tsuyu:no, izuku I'm....

Izuku:going back home or back to the shop to be next to me ? Grand just grand. Tsuyu don't over push yourself, i love you and i love how stubborn you can be but I'm not the only one who has... Issues and you have problems to just take things one step at a time. So love please you took your step for today come back to me...

*Izuku heard a sigh on the other line and nothing for a bit*

Tsuyu:i have to drop the shopping back home I'll be there in 2 hours kero

Izuku: I'll be waiting with baited breath

Tsuyu:dramatic....thank you i love you

Izuku:i love you too baby

Meanwhile with momo

*We see her walking inside her hero agency ignoring all the flashes of Camara and media piranhas as she was walking her assistant Setsuna walked next to her. Setsuna's hair was a mess and still talking on the phone*

Setsuna:I'm sorry she's not available for comment today please call back on another time

*Setsuna hung up and glared at momo*

Setsuna:where the fuck have you been? I've been dealing with the fall back all by myself !I'm your assistant not you're P.R. manager which is waiting in you're office absolutely livid with you as well

Momo:lovely just lovely

*Sarcasm thick in Momo's tone but setsuna was in no mood to care*

Momo:what else ?

Setsuna:soooo many meetings from basically every single investor, your father, even people from our old class

Momo: I'll deal with my family and friends on another day after I'm done with the p.r. bitch get me Iida on the line that bastard crossed the motherfucking line

Setsuna:you'll be waiting he's still in surgery

*Momo froze and looked at Setsuna wanting an explanation*

Setsuna:yeah some new villain on the block took credit for it saying he's here to finish the legacy of stain calling Iida a huge fake hero

Momo;can't say i disagree but what does that has to do with iida?

Setsuna:I'm getting do it he attacked Iida in his office and just shattered his knee he's in surgery as we speak. The rumors that are flying around is that his hero career is over he'll have to walk with a cane for the rest of his life

*Setsuna frowned slightly as she did not like the sick smile that appeared on Momo's face and the extra skip in her step*

Setsuna:you can at least pretend to be worried

Momo;i could but seeing as i have to deal with all this headache and my child Eri also has to deal with this i hope no. I fucking pray those rumors to become true it's about what Iida deserves

*Momo said spitting on the floor having his very name on his tongue as she took a big sigh and opened the door to see her p.r. manager Edna M. Who was tapping her tablet non-stop*

Edna:ah darling please come in and let's have a chat

*Momo trebled at the absolutely pissed off smile on Edna's face*

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington

Thank you again for the donation

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