Together Again

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He reaches out to her and she intertwines her fingers with his and leans her head against his shoulder. They both look up at the moon shining dimly in the dark sky, surrounded by dozens of golden stars. Suddenly, Alice raises her hand and points her finger at something.

Alice: Wow! That's wonderful!

Damon: What?

Alice: The angels.

Damon looks at the spot Alice is pointing at and smiles.

Damon: The winged ones!

At this moment the four angels land on the pavement. As their feet touch the ground, they flap their wings to shake the moisture from their feathers, straightening their clothes at the same time.

Alice watches them, spellbound. It's not the first time she's seen them in all their glory, but the sight of them is just as enchanting no matter how many times you see it.

Alexander's black wings attract all lovers of the night. Matt's red feathers stimulate all the senses at once. Mary's white wings delight and purify even the most sinful soul. Jace's golden wings scatter the life-giving sunlight and illuminate everything around him.

Despite the cold, they're lightly clad. All except Matt, who wears a jacket. This couldn't escape the sharp eye of Alice, who turns to Damon.

Alice: Why is Matt wearing a jacket?

Damon: Wait for it.

Sure enough, Matt unzips his jacket and the reason he's wearing it, despite being unaffected by the weather, flies out like a rocket. A loud, screeching, red-winged rocket.

 A loud, screeching, red-winged rocket

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Prometheus: Vertigo! Vertigo!

The angels laugh at the bird's reaction to the angel's flight. They laugh out loud, but not as loud as Alice. She almost cries with laughter, naturally attracting the attention of the angels who approach the couple. Damon stands up and hugs first Mary and then the men.

Damon: I'm sorry you had to come back in such a hurry. I certainly didn't want to spoil your trip.

Matt: Don't talk nonsense, Puppy.

Alexander: Nothing is your fault.

Jace: Besides, we needed something else. We were getting bored.

Matt: Sure, Pervert. Fifteen years of silence is too much for you.

 Fifteen years of silence is too much for you

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There Is No Light 🌇 Without Darkess 🌃 - Book 4Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt