Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones

Start from the beginning

We continued on our way. It would have been suspicious if we turned around and walked away. Roys mask was small and easy to hide, mine was large and bulky. The only downside to it. I prayed that they wouldn't catch it. 

The faunus guy looked at us as we approached. I didn't know any of their names, but I knew their faces. These guys were not to be fucked with, Period, end of story. They could take us down with minimal effort. 

The faunus man kept his eye on us the entire time we were walking. It was unsettling to say the least. Did he catch us? Should we run? All questions that I had answers too. Probably for the first one, and no for the second. There would be no point in running. By now the others noticed their comrades focus on us. This was getting worse by the second. 

I locked eyes with a woman who had brown hair and eyes, that stood at 6'5. I smiled and nodded my head at her. Roy said good morning and continued with me. We made it into the bakery without getting stopped, so that was something. There was another one of the operatives in here. A man standing at 6'3, with brown hair and teal green eyes. This guy looked like a pushover but that was a ruse if there ever was one. He was arguably the most dangerous. 

???: Good morning to you two. 

Roy: Morning, sir.

Y/n: Yeah, what he said.

The man eyed us closely for a moment. His face was unreadable. I looked at the cake selection on the counter, trying to ignore the hole he was staring into me. Roy started looking as well, pulling me into a bullshit conversation. It was a good idea, had he picked another topic other than, oh I don't know, US!

Roy: So you hear about that Red Foot guy that's killed those workers from the mine?

Y/n: U-um, isn't it Red Hood?

Roy: That's what I said.

???: *Chuckles* That's a better name than Red HOOD.

Y/n: 'That better not stick' I think that he did the right thing. SDC are nothing more than slavers.

???: Really? I wont defend the company's practices but I cant see were he's justified in taking a life.

Roy: I know right! I think he should tone it down. Maybe take a load off for a while to calm down.

???: I think he needs to be taken down.

I felt a shiver run down my spine. If Ironwood sends these guys our way, it was over. Being on this guys shit-list was bad news. The man shifted and looked back at a booth over in the corner. I looked as well and saw Weiss who had most likely seen us walking in. Instead of the warm smile from the first time we met, she had a look that would make a snowman freeze. I assumed it had something to do with the mine...

She got up and walked towards us. I braced myself for whatever was about to happen. The look on her face was clear indication that she was not happy with me. Weiss stopped in front of us and gave a nod to the operative. 

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