War Zone

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*** Rumor Has It*** By: Adele

After walking in seeing Hazel covered in blood with a look that says she would kill anything and everyone that tried to come between us everyone was worried about her but she went right back to being herself within a week of those events but if I am being honest she turned back on whatever it was that she had turned off the moment she walked out that room. Castle and Aphrodite are now dead but both wouldn't give what Lorenzo and Natalia plans were. We found out that they are working with Hazel's father who we still can't find but we haven't gave up on looking for. We ended up missing even the reschedule children's charity ball again but this time no one was worried about doing it again they were more worried about the threats that they had received on Hazel and my life. My coronation was moved to March 31, instead of the 17th because of everything going on. Dean is out the hospital and getting better his parents have called and texted my parents apologizing for Castle behavior promising they knew nothing of his plans to them he always made it seem as if we were close because of Dean and my friendship. Javier and Marcel are out the hospital as well doing good but Avonna is worst off she is alive and that is a great thing but the doctors say she will probably never walk again her parent came to take her back to Russia with them and the children. Castle parents are paying for her medical treatment and since Castle is dead she got all his properties and some of his business along with a really big life insurance policy. Marcel will stay by her side to help her with the children. Jose and Maria moved to Venice on the twenty-eight of February to be with their son and Jose family since everyone thought he was dead for five years they were kind of in a hurry to get him home for good especially after they had heard what had happen here with Castle and the others. I even got word that Angel and Omar moved back to Venice they were able to talk the women carrying their babies to move down until they gave birth which they were both able to get really great jobs working at a hospital in Venice. We have still been looking for Lorenzo, Natalia, Diego, Manuel, and Mr. Boyd without any luck. We haven't been able to find Carlo anywhere word got out that Klaus and Enzo are even working with the Hernandez's and Carlo. I just don't understand Lorenzo both of his friends fucked his wife and he reward them by helping them stay alive. Hazel never told me what else was said within that room when she was torturing Aphrodite and I left it alone not wanting to anger her farther but in the video footage we see her step forward so Aphrodite could whisper something in her ear.

We are flying back to Rome a week later then what we were suppose to because Hazel got sick again with some fainting and bloody nose spells plus we needed to make sure those that stayed behind were safe. On the day we were schedule to leave Derrian had to fly back home to check on his sister Danielle she went into early labor at thirty two weeks. Michaela decided to fly with us and take baby Bella with her who is now three months she is so pretty also a very good baby she didn't cry once on the flight from Miami to Rome. It was decided that Derrian and Michaela would stay with Jose while Enrique and Layla would stay along with their children with us. Lukas and Christian along with my sisters got back on the twenty-eight as well. Cauis, Bai, Dean, and Carmela got there yesterday while Miguel and his family will be here next week with Niklaus and Isabel. Getting off the jet I asked Hazel if she is okay with us staying with my parents until Monday they miss me and want to spend time with us. She tells me that it is fine with her so we head to our place first to change, we help Michaela get her things into the SUV waiting to take her to Jose place Maria is in the car waiting with her. I left my four dogs in Miami at Hazel place with a house sitter that will be there for the next four months but Hazel brought her babies with her not wanting to leave them that long because we may not return until May or June. Wang-Lei is in charge of Black Industries until we return. Hazel grandparents had to leave going back to Africa but promise to return for the coronation.

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