Family, Secrets, And Lies

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" Wake Me Up" By: Avicii

Damon & Derrian Corvinus P.O.V

Have you ever had one of those days that you were so happy with a indescribable joy that makes you feel alive but you also wanted to cry? Today was one of those days for me as I seat visiting my parents grave at the Farkasreti Cemetery I was thinking about how blessed I was and still am but also how cursed my family have been. I missed my parents so fucking much they were taken to soon for my liking not being able to see their grandchildren get married and have children and let's not forget not even seeing how good two of my half brothers and myself have been getting alone. My father would've been so proud to see how well Derrian have been fitting into the role as head boss of the Corvinus mafia family. He have even met himself a beautiful good women she is a doctor name Michaela Cole and she really loves him. I was talking to them both out loud about their grandchildren and great grandchildren. I was able to do that because they both were buried side by side I know that was something they would've wanted even though they didn't make any plans about the future for dying. Even though I come every year on their birthdays, their wedding anniversary, their death of anniversary, and Christmas it's still hard every time. I tell them about our lives every time and I know it would never get old not to a man and women like my parents. So I tell them about Darrius children with Dior and that I am about to be a grandfather again soon because Danielle is with child and how it is some of the greatest news that I could have received right now with how sad this month is for us even with Christmas right around the corner. I know it probably was inappropriate to talk about with them with us thinking that someone from this world was tied to their deaths but I also inform them of how everyone was doing from their old mafia ties before their deaths. I tell them every time I visit to watch over Jose Sr and Sasha baby boy Jose Jr up there is heaven. I wasn't so selfish as to talk about myself and my children I also talk about his other grandchildren from my half siblings like Niklaus who has a daughter and Enzo who have two children and their father Klaus and I aren't close still no matter how close I would like to be with my half brother he seems to continue to pull away from me and all my other brothers that doesn't have the same mother as him. I was really missing my parents because I felt like my father would have really brought us together. As I got ready to get up because I was finished speaking with them a hand touches my shoulders and I know that it was my love, my lovely wife.

Diamond: I thought I would find you here. Hello mom and dad I love you guys and I miss you both.

She turns bending down to put flowers on both their graves afterwards we both take another seat here in complete silence for a few minutes. Which that is what I love about Diamond she knows me so well she knows what I need even when I can't focus enough to know when to just take a breath sit and think. Sitting here with her like this with my parents even though they aren't here with us brings some kind of peace to me.

Diamond: You know Damon I think we might be hearing wedding bells pretty soon.

I turn to look at her with a smile on my face because it's always good news when someone finds loves within this cruel world as I look into her eyes seeing the sunshine and joy within them I ask her from who.

Diamond: Derrian he looks at Michaela the same way you use to look at me when we were their age.

Don't you mean Derrian looks at Michaela the same way I still look at you love?

I lean forward kissing her on the lips as I tell her that she is my love and my world. She smiles into the kiss telling me and I am hers.

Danielle: You two need to get a room. On grandfather and grandmother's grave really?

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