Birthday Party

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                 " HUMBLE" By: Kendrick Lamar

                                       "Present Day"

Today is the twins Argent and Blue nineth birthday and everyone is here gather together for the first time in years to celebrate with them. Even the Gambino family is here to help celebrate after the fall out about Angel and Omar I guess a certain amount of time have pass since they came out that everyone is getting over it. Carlo Sr and his wife Selene Gambino who is the former boss of the Gambino mafia family are here with his brothers their wives, children, and grandchildren. Even grumpy old Tobias who promised to never come to another Costello event again after he and uncle Antonio almost killed each other last time is here with his wife Tanya. How that man landed a women like her I would never understand and the world may never know but he got her maybe it was the money and royal name because even though a lot older than me she is beautiful even in her age and he is a ogre the real definition of beauty and the beast. When I walk in I seen him standing in a corner giving his son Omar and Angel a evil disgusted look while he wife spots me and is given me fuck me eyes. I have never ran from a challenge with any women when it came to hot, hard, and wild sex with a beautiful women until now because though she is beautiful and have a banging body she kind of creeps me out because I have been knowing her since I was a kid she is not only old enough to be my mother but she probably even helped change my diapers and stills tries to fuck me.

I turn around not wanting to continue to have the staring contest with Mrs. Tanya looking everywhere else but her which is when I see that Jose Sr who is my best friend father is here with his wife Sasha Gambino which it took them a few years to attend these things after their eldest son was killed. Everyone had actually hated that Jose Sr had married into the Mexican Cartel but it was that are start a war between the Italians and the Mexicans which I am not bragging but we would have won there was never any doubt about that but who wants so much loss over Jose Sr not being able to keep his dick in his pants. The moment she became pregnant with Jose Jr he was a goner but he really loves her so it worked out for the both of them. My aunt Sasha seen me staring her way and gave me a huge smile before continuing her conversation with one of my father's business partners, so I began to search the room again. I didn't want to be here not meaning not at the twins birthday party I would never miss that they would kill me no when I say I didn't won't to be here I was speaking about around all these people a lot were family but a lot wasn't and I hated being around people that I know only came to see what was what and get information to run and tell. I felt eyes on me that was filled with hatred making me look to my left that was when I seen Carlo Jr and his supermodel wife Anna Facinelle the dude really still hated me for something I didn't have any control over or know nothing about besides she didn't tell me she was engaged when she pulled me onto that elevator into her room and put my dick down her throat not even when she allowed me to spank and fuck her she didn't mention it. I won't lie the sex was out of this world I really did want another piece of her but I had my rules and on top of that the next day I found out she was Carlo Jr fiancée. As Anna was smiling up at me from catching me staring at her body I notice that Christina Leah Gambino who I like to call crazy bitch was watching me. What is it with women wanting things they can't have? Don't get me wrong Christina Leah is a thirty one year old fox with brownish red blonde hair, long tanned legs, nice round Victoria Secret model breast, blue eyes full lips I mean she was just perfectly made any man would be a fool to not find her attractive but her clingy and obsessive ways had me running for the hills the moment she started talking about marriage week two of our sex-ship. I know that isn't a word but that was the closes thing she was getting to a relationship with me so now she tries everything to ruin me or get my attention including bringing her new boy toy around which it was to clear to see she doesn't really like him he wasn't her type.

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