"The Trouble With Family"

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"Laugh Now Cry Later" By: Drake

                                   Multiple P.O.V

                   ***Cauis & Skylar Sokolov P.O.V***

Christmas is now over besides us being on the lookout for that bitch Meadow, we were actually able to enjoy Christmas day at my parents house. Kai, Heaven, Victoria, and Makiha all stayed at my parents house because my parents weren't ready for Heaven to leave. I couldn't stay because of having a early morning meeting today at work. Cauis called to let me know that they will be on their way home after stopping at the warehouse. I let my secretary know that I will be working from home the rest of the day so forward all my calls to my cell. Walking out the lobby to my waiting car I fetched my phone out my pocket to make some calls. I get in the backseat telling my driver take me home please as I call my tech guy because he has been calling all day but I have been busy. If it isn't work related or my family I have been ignoring it. He pick up on the first ring.

( Hey Mr. Sokolov thank you for returning my calls.)

What is it?

( Someone have been asking around about the family Bella, Ivanov, Kai, Bai, Cauis and you sir.)

Do you think it is Meadow trying to get information on Bai?

( I don't think so it was someone name Chae-yeoung.)

Get me a last name on the Chae-yeoung please and keep me updated on any information you get. And thank you. I hang up the phone just as we are pulling into my building headed to the front inside of the garage. Someone at the front desk stop me letting me know that a package came for me today. I tell them to have it sent up. Once I was on the elevator going up it stops on Rachelle and Sergei floor. When they both stepped on I greet them both.

Skylar: What floor?

Rachelle: Hahaha! very funny.

I laughed at her facial expression telling her to lighting up it was a joke. Kai and Heaven must be home already because stepping out the elevator two armed guards are standing at the door. The taller one speakers into his sleeve in Russian and the other open the door for me. As soon as I walk in Cauis is standing there pacing back-and-forth holding baby Heaven singing to her and she is awake. I laugh getting ready to snap a picture.

Cauis: Don't Skylar she likes it. It was the only thing that will get her quiet.

Skylar: Hey man I didn't say anything.

I kissed Heaven cheeks telling Kai and Cauis that I am going to change. The moment I step inside my closet my phone rings. It is Castle so I answer because he never calls if he is calling it's important.

Castle: Have you seen the news?

With Castle it is always business never any pleasantries.

Skylar: No I have been at work. Why what's up?

Castle: Two of the warehouses that we just acquired in the new contract just caught on fire and one of them was raided.

Skylar: What the fuck? I don't need this shit right now. Someone is going to die.

Castle: It was an anonymous tip called in but luckily Chan-yeol not trusting Ae-cha had everything that needed to be moved, moved already. I think we need to take a trip to America Skylar to get a head of this shit and the sooner the better.

Skylar: I know let me work out some details. I kind of got more shit going on here I need to deal with. I'll hit you back Castle.

Hanging up with Castle I throw on some jeans and a T-shirt heading out the room. I tell Cauis we need to talk it is about work when one guard come giving me a thick envelope. I stop talking opening it and a dozen pictures fall out of us leaving for Christmas dinner Kai and Heaven getting in the car, mom and nana leaving their house, Cauis going to the warehouse, and me going to work. Everyone stand frozen looking at the pictures on the floor the last two pictures I pull out has Cauis seeing red ready to murder someone it is of Bai in a night club with her brother and the Costello's and one of her boarding a private jet looks like the Costello's jet because I recognize their family crest. I tell Cauis to calm down and think.

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