" Ready Set Drama "

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" In My Feelings " By: Kevin Gates

We had a long fucking stressful night with Bai in the hospital in a fucking medical induced coma to help with the swelling on her brain and the pain of her broken or cracked ribs. Hazel not wanting to leave her side and this damn phone ringing none stop. I know I needed rest a lot of it but I just can't slow down not yet anyway. A lot of lives were lost because of nothing and we aren't close to figuring out who it was that had done this. But of course Miguel have his suspicion of his uncle Diego even Enrique got his suspicion his uncle Lorenzo and Natalia were involved. I ended up leaving Hazel at the hospital with King, Marcus, and Tony while I went back to the hotel with Christian and Amelia to pack our things. Christian was on the phone with his family for hours discussing Bai condition. His father and uncle Morris-Lee wasn't happy at all they were even talks of war on the Hernandez and Escobar family but Christian talked them down telling them that he will not kill his friends and their family for something that wasn't they fault. I made calls to Enrique to check on his family as well as Layla family which he informed me that Layla's father passed away at the hospital. So not only did she lose her aunt and uncle but her father as well. To make matters worst Diego, Lorenzo, and Natalia disappeared we found out that both Rafael and Felipe wives are dead. I tell him that it can't be possible because I seen Daniella standing with Felipe after the explosion. Enrique tells me that she collapse after we left she had internal bleeding and Augustin wife Jocelynn leg was broke and she needed surgery he is still at the hospital with her and his father is still at the hospital with his mom but she is going be to okay. Everyone else in his family is okay including little Erica he told me to thank Hazel again for saving her. I tell him will do and that Sasha and Jose Sr will be calling soon to check on them as well and if he need anything to call me. I was finally able to get the information I needed from the head detective working the case it looked like the case is being handed over to the FBI because of Ademir being the president here and having royals there they wanted to handle the bombing personally. I requested that he send over everything he had I even reached out to the news station that was there along with different magazine that were covering the Gala. Having all the information sent over after getting off the phone I take a deep breath rubbing my hands down my face. Gabe comes in saying that the jet is ready to leave whenever we are making me look up asking him to check on Hazel and Bai at the hospital he grab his phone leaving out the room closing the door. There were so many calls that needed to be made so I called the easier to handle which was Derrian Corvinus and he picks up on the first ring.

Derrian: Hello Marco how is Bai and Hazel?

I couldn't even check on him and the others on his end first because he jumped right in to asking about Bai and Hazel so I explain that Hazel is fine it was just a cut on her leg that the doctors stitched and wrapped up but Bai isn't good at the moment she have two cracked ribs and a concussion. I continued to tell him we will be flying back to Miami within the next few hours she will continue her treatment there.

Derrian: We need to get a head of this shit fast that's why I have people already looking into the bombing. I think this was a hit on more than just the Hernandez and the Escobar families Marco.

I know me too but until we can prove it and get those responsible for it we can't really place blame. We talked for about twenty more minutes about pulling our resources as well as him flying down to Miami because this would all work better if we all investigated together. I asked him one more time how was Michaela and Dior again to see how they were holding up with all this because I know when your not born into this life but married into it we try to keep as much as possible from the women so this could all be really hard for them to deal with. But he tells me that Michaela is really shaken but she will be okay they are getting on his family jet as we speak heading back to Toronto. He will hit me up when they land. Before I am able to call Miguel when my call ended with Derrian he was calling in. I answered only able to get out hello before I am cut off for him to ask me how is Bai doing. I explain to him everything the doctors told us and how she will be transferred from Cozumel International Hospital to Mercy Hospital in Miami. He tells me that some times he forgets that I am a prince and have really great connection outside of the mafia lifestyle we live. I made sure to ask him how is his family doing remembering that his wife is pregnant and what happened last time with the lost of their baby.

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