
547 13 1

[Lil bit of gore in this one. Watch out, I guess]

*audio log 23*

I was browsing along YouTube, through the wifi.

I found this cool guitar tutorial, and decided to watch it.

After it was done, I wanted a guitar so bad, I almost made one on the spot.

But suit one and buckeye came in, so I decided against it.

They had a different vibe today, and I soon learned why.

We had a lovely conversation, but they just wouldn't leave.

They were in my room for 18 hours before I politely asked them to leave.

They didn't.

Looks Like They are gonna be in here a while, hehe

I waited another six hours, before asking them to leave again.

Buckeye left for a moment, only to return shortly after.

Then suit one left, but did not return.

Eventually, I got bored of designing a rotating bolt, and shot him a question.

"since your here, I might as well ask you your intentions for keeping me here"

He looked at me funny, before answering.

"Me and my organization are tasked for containing abnormalities such as yourself"

I decided to close the holoscreen, and look at him for a moment, before just laughing at him

"Considering the fact that you consider a mostly peaceful cosmic mistake as an "abnormality", you don't have enough landmass on this planet to contain them all"

He got up and walked over to me, standing quite close, a bit too close for my comfort.

I naturally shied away, moving my tail away so as to not touch him.

Buckeye Leaned in really close, before holding out a finger as if to poke me.

I said to him, calmly but with urgency:

"That is a bad idea. I can't guarantee your safety, should you touch me whilst I am awake"

He poked me anyway.

At that point, I still couldn't fight the urge to transfur off.

Nanites quickly started to flow up his hand, before slowing down at the wrist a bit

In urgency, I yelled at him:

"Cut off your hand!"

No response, as he was in shock.

I fought myself for a moment, before making the very edge of the nanites cut in, making a very clean cut, but removing his hand at the wrist.

I quickly went to the other side of the room, to avoid touching him again.

Buckeye seemed to come back to the present, and looked down to see a stump where his right hand would be, and a black lump on the ground nearby.

He looked over at me

The fear on his face was apparent.

He ran from the room, screaming in pain.

I slowly walked over to my bed, and cried myself to sleep, again.

Why can I not exist without hurting others-?

*audio cuts*

How did I get here-? [Purogen headcanons, SCP, other]Where stories live. Discover now