
635 8 1

*audio log 18*

I was feeling quite depressed today, so I decided to invert my color scheme.

What was black became white, and so on.

The little camera in the corner caught me doing it, and 4 minutes later the suits came in again.

I was laying in my bed this time, I didn't even look up, I knew who they were.

Suit one decided to take point, and shot a question.

"So I see you inverted your color scheme, how did you do that?"

As I said, I was feeling sad, so I just told him:


Buckeye, as he told me, apparently sensed my mood, and stopped suit one from firing another question.

Before they left again, I asked them if I could choose what I got for my meal.

They said they would find out, so I told them.

"Three oranges, a leafy green of some sort, and 7 grams of uranium"

I laughed a bit at the look on their faces, thinking that I am nuclear powered.

"I'm kidding on the last one, just some metal will do, else I will have to start eating the walls soon"

They both shrugged, and left

Guess I won't have to absorb the concrete behind my bed anymore.

*audio cuts*

How did I get here-? [Purogen headcanons, SCP, other]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن