Chapter 39 - He's Everywhere

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Of course, the fact that he hadn't met Ryan on this day was finally not an exception after all those days where he was everywhere Evan turned, but rather a foreshadowing that he would meet him soon as the day was slowly winding down.

When Evan turned the corner, the sight really took him by surprise.

"Why the hell are you holding a cat?" the words fell out of him automatically. Ryan's head shot up in surprise, his gaze quickly searching for Evan.

"Because it's the cutest thing alive?" was his reply. Evan couldn't disagree more. Felines and canines couldn't be more different, and it didn't matter if they were real animals or shifters. And Evan, being a wolf, felt no affection for the little demons called cats.

"I don't see the cute part," he had no problem expressing his opinion. And despite not being inclined to meet the cat, he headed straight for the ink-haired boy.

"Are you blind?" Ryan looked like Evan had personally insulted him. He held the cat closer to him in his arms and even rested his chin in her fur for a moment. With scratching behind her ear, the cat didn't seem to mind. And the closer Evan got, the better he could hear her purring. And that wasn't the only sound that reached him.

"Don't listen to him," Ryan whispered to the cat in his arms, and Evan was surprised at the soft tone he used. A small chuckle escaped Evan. Even though it was absurd, he couldn't help but admit that the picture in front of him was cute. But not because of the cat.

"I wonder if she would treat you this way if you were in your wolf form." Instead, however, he preferred to focus on something else before his thoughts once again took him somewhere they shouldn't have.

"That's step two in my plan," Ryan replied promptly. Evan was finally just a step away from him, and Ryan turned around, so they were facing each other. From the way he alternated between looking at him and the cat in his arms, Evan hoped he hadn't expected him to pet the little creature.

"Do I even want to know what your exact plan is?" He would never have guessed him to be a cat lover, but on the other hand, he wouldn't have expected him to like dinosaurs either. Evan was so focused on the things he saw through his eyes that anything else always surprised him more than it should have. He found out more and more that Ryan was not the kind of person he had been pigeonholed before he got to know him better.

"Step 1 - make her fall for me like I fell for her. Step 2 - make our animal selves be friends." Ryan lifted his face from the cat with the biggest smile Evan had ever seen on him. Two emotions ran through him at that moment, one of them being jealousy (which was quite ironic since it was a cat) and the other made him blush.

"Are you blushing?" Of course, Ryan noticed. Evan started to panic and quickly lowered his head to his feet. Suddenly his head was empty, and he had no idea how to talk himself out of this situation.

"I guess I finally found something I can use against you," Ryan chuckled. Evan dared to return his gaze back to him, and the smile on Ryan's face looked more endearing than mocking. But honestly, it was probably because the tuft of fur in his arms decided to snuggle up to him.

"I'm not sure you can laugh at me when I find out about your penchant for cats," he shot back.

"I have nothing to be ashamed of." The dark-haired boy just shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing.

"Okay, Snow White." It wasn't the best analogy, but Evan was having trouble thinking at the moment. The sight of Ryan snuggling with the cat was too much for his sanity.

"You're the one to talk, Rapunzel," Ryan answered without hesitation. Evan had no idea why he had compared him to her. From what he remembered, Rapunzel was a princess with long blonde hair that she pulled everywhere behind her.

"Why the hell am I Rapunzel?" he voiced his confusion. Ryan just laughed at his confused expression, and this time his laughter didn't die down as quickly.

"C'mon, tell me." Evan knew he wasn't actually mocking him, but he still wanted an explanation to make sure he didn't have to be offended.

"Okay, okay." His laugh turned into a soft smile. "Rapunzel is a princess imprisoned in a tower where she has to obey her mother's orders and cannot fulfil her dreams. But she knows what she wants all this time, and then she finally decides to escape."

Evan thought that made perfect sense, except for the escape part. He still had a long way to go. But instead of adding seriousness to the conversation, he decided to turn it in a different direction.

"Guess I should grow my hair out," he snickered. Ryan looked at him as if trying to imagine it, and Evan felt the crimson rise in his face again. His gaze was too intense, and Evan felt like he could see right into his soul. Or rather their soul.

"I think it would look cute," he finally concluded, and his gaze changed to a more casual one.

"And my parents would have a heart attack because they'd think it would look too feminine," Evan added, ignoring the part where Ryan called him cute.

"I don't know your parents, but it looks like a lot of things could give them a heart attack." At first, Evan didn't understand how Ryan came up with that, but then he remembered that he had said a similar sentence in front of him once before.

"My parents don't like anything out of the ordinary," Evan tried to keep his tone neutral, but he couldn't help a little sadness seep in.

"Maybe they'll change their minds because of you," Ryan immediately tried to cheer him up.

"Maybe," Evan repeated, though he honestly didn't believe it himself. Ryan noticed that the mood between them had changed, and he immediately set about improving it again. He fixed the cat in his hands, which was still purring loudly, and picked it up. Evan thought he was going to put her on the ground, but he couldn't have been more wrong when suddenly her little white head appeared right in front of him.

"Just take her." He didn't even have time to protest before Ryan placed the cat in his arms and guided Evan's hold with his hands. When he was satisfied, he pulled away from him and stared at the two of them.

"Perfect." His bright smile was contagious and suddenly even Evan, despite having a little beast in his arms, was smiling from ear to ear.

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