Chapter 37 - Apology

Start from the beginning

"Does this mean you'll finally confirm my friend request?" he asked with a grin. Despite the reproach that was barely audible in his voice, Evan laughed. He had completely forgotten that he had ignored it at the time, and if he hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have remembered.

"I'll think about it," he gave him a vague reply, but Ryan didn't seem to mind. His face still wore a wide smile that revealed his perfect teeth and created a small dimple on his left cheek.

The contented moment between them was interrupted by Evan's phone ringing. Even without seeing her name on the screen, he already knew what it was about based on the time. He was late for the meeting with Angie, and she was sick of it. Evan thought it was quite ironic since she was the one who was late the last time.

In one fell swoop, he cancelled the incoming call and sent her a quick message to let her know he was on his way.

"Sorry, gotta go. See you later?" Although it was supposed to be an assurance, it sounded more like a question. This time it was Ryan who nodded eagerly. Evan laughed at his expression and turned to leave, shaking his head. He only made it a few steps before Ryan called out behind him, "See you later, Lightwood!"


His steps did not indicate that he was in a hurry, and Angie's annoyed look only confirmed it. In order not to make her even angrier, he decided to speed up at least for a few meters before stopping in front of her.

"You're late," she snapped instead of a greeting. It seemed that at the stage where they were constantly arguing, the greeting was being deliberately forgotten by both of them.

"I ran into Ryan," he answered truthfully. Angie's eyebrows shot up, and Evan waited for her next remark, which surprisingly didn't come. If he didn't know her, he would say that she kept quiet on purpose so as not to anger him.

"No comment?" he deliberately used a mocking tone. She just shrugged her shoulders and still didn't respond.

"You wouldn't listen to me anyway," she added after a moment of silence. Evan hated to admit it, but he was fed up with them not talking. She was his best friend, and he was in the most complicated time of his life, clearly, he wanted her by his side. Sighing, he decided to give her an opportunity to make up.

"I'd listen to you if you just told me. No games or tricks." After this sentence, he waited for her reaction, which he knew could only be twofold. Either she admits that she misses him as much as he misses her, or she gets angry and blames him again.

"If I tell you to pick just one of them?" she pitched.

"Then I'll tell you I can't do it," he answered immediately. She didn't seem surprised by his answer and even nodded her head as if she agreed. Confused was an understatement when it came to Evan's reaction.

"So what do we do?" If it had been Evan's attempt at peace before, this was definitely Angie's.

"We?" he repeated after her.

She nodded vigorously and confirmed: "We." Despite the fact that he still needed to make sure of her other intentions, a broad smile appeared on his face.

"I expected an apology, but your strategic skills will do." It wouldn't be him if he didn't add a teasing comment.

"You're the face of the operation, I'm the brain. I'm surprised you've survived this long without me." Of course, she did not hesitate and returned it to him immediately. They both laughed, their laughter carrying a lightness that their relationship had lacked for so long. For some, it might have been just a few days, but for them, it was almost an eternity. Evan never admitted it out loud, but Angie was like a sister to him - his second closest person after Riley.

In good spirits, they made their way to Evan's house, and this time it wasn't just a pretence, but Angie really planned to hang out with him at his house.

"So what did I miss?"

With a dramatic sigh, Evan began to explain the events of the past few days to her, and as he expected, she was most shocked by the fact that he somehow became friends with Michael. Her expression was so funny that he nearly flopped on the pavement laughing, which made her laugh in return.

This day was just a chain of reactions, and if someone had told him in the morning that he would finally be honest with Kieran, Ryan would apologize to him, and he would make amends with Angie, he wouldn't have believed it.

Maybe it was another mistake on his part, but if Kieran could give him a chance, he saw no reason why he couldn't do the same with Angie. And as he had told Angie before, he wasn't ready to choose between the boy who owned his heart and the wolf he shared his soul with. However, he did not doubt that together with her, they could come up with a plan to have everything. 

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