"Bush Park"

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We finally arrived at the front entrance to Bush Park. It was quiet. Possibly even a little bit too quiet. A smaller area like this we thought it would be thriving with people.

Almost like a safe zone, but there was nothing.

"Alright let's clear this place." Ray announced to what was left of us. I felt the need to clear up to Andrea that I was on her side in the whole situation with Damien, but I held off for some reason. I didn't know why.

Ray continued his plan. "We'll split up into groups to get this over with faster." For once I tuned into his plan for a moment until Desarie cut in.

"I thought we were going to look for Mama and Pop?"

Ray calmed her down. "If they're here we'll find em."

She seemed only half satisfied with that answer.

It would have to do for now.


I sighed from exhaustion. "Any sign of where he might've gone?" I asked Miguel. He looked at me with a confident look on his face.

"No, but we know he would've been heading to Bush Park by now." He was right, so I didn't even bother arguing with him. Plus I didn't have any better ideas anyway.

We started to head back.

Looking back, it might've been better to stay with Terrance and the others. Now we had a little journey ahead of ourselves.

I wished this would all just be over.


Me and Andrea sweeped one room after the other. House by house and trailer by trailer, dealing the with occasional walker or two inside.

I could tell Deja and Desarie were on edge to find their grandparents alive and well. I knew that finding so many walkers in these houses made them worry extra.

Andrea lead in front of me as we entered the next house in the first section of the area. They labeled areas in Bush Park with letters.

I drew my knife as we entered the first room. Nothing was here from first glance, but we had to be thorough in our sweeps. Ray lectured us for at least thirty minutes before we began. Couldn't blame him though.  I wasn't gonna be able to sleep knowing walkers could be lurking nearby.

Andrea went in to check the other rooms while I searched for anything useful to use in the first room of the house.

I opened cabinet after cabinet in the kitchen, trying to find something that wasn't months past it's expiration date of any sort or weapon that was better than my knife.

"Terrance!" I heard Andrea call after hearing a loud crash in the other room.

I rushed through the door to see a walker snapping at Andrea from on top of her. I kicked the walker off her and over onto the carpet.

Andrea managed to grab her knife and sink it into the walkers head before things got more out of hand.

Ray busted through the front door. "What the fuck happened in here?" His angry eyes scanned the trashed bloodied room.

He shook his head. "Can't get you to do a damn thing." He muttered to himself walking back outside of the house.

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