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My eyes scanned the road for a quicker route. The traffic was more dense than usual. It would take hours to get to Mechanicsville at this rate, and I had barely made it down the road.

People started yelling. "Come the fuck on!" One man got out of his car and started banging on the window of another car telling the man to hurry up.

He opened the door and pulled the man out. It wasn't long before the the man that had been pulled out of the car, stood up a bit a chunk out of the man's neck.

Fear could be heard around me with the sound of horns and tires screaming against the ground. All of the cars that had before been stationary in traffic started to peel off running through red lights.

I was caught in the middle. Cars behind me started to do the same. Before I knew it I was driving through red lights and traffic like everyone else.

The panic seemed to spread like wildfire.

I swerved in and out of lanes, just barely missing people and cars on the road. My heart was racing.

Eventually I pulled into a parking lot of a Kroger. Somehow not hitting a single person or car on the way there.

"Jesus Christ." I sighed.

If I wanted to make it before nightfall I'd have to go the rest of the way on foot. Even then it would take at least another three hours or so.

"I better start now." I said out loud to myself.


He should be here by now I kept thinking. What if he didn't make it? I stopped myself at that thought. Damien is capable he will show up eventually.

"Where is brother?" Imani's voice startled me.

I paused for a moment. "He will be here soon."

Imani looked at me with concerned young beaty eyes. "Don't make me break this promise Damien." I prayed to myself.

It was quiet, a lot more quiet than it was in the city. The neighborhood was small here. I didn't know If that was good or bad right now.

I went to the bathroom to calm myself. It would be bad for Imani to see me disturbed like this.

The cold water hit my face. It felt like heaven. Once I was done cleaning up, I ran across the road to go get Desarie.

I knocked on the door four times. "Des!" I waited for a few moments. Then I heard footsteps. The door swung open almost hitting me in the head.

"Yeah sorry I'm trying to get Deja ready to go." She said.

I shook my head in understanding. "Okay."

"Where are my cousins?" Des asked.

"Damien is on the way, and Derrick didn't answer. I replied.

"Fuck." Des looked anxious.

Deja appeared behind Des in the doorway. Des looked back at her.

"Come on let's go guys." I said.

We walked back over to my house across the street and made our way inside. When inside Imani instantly started to question me further.

"I thought brother was coming soon?" She started.

Deja took over and started comforting her. "It's nice that's she's good with younger kids." I claim.

"Sure." Des half replies to me.

"Seriously girl, I know you don't have that ability with kids." I convince her.

"If you say so." She shrugs her shoulders.

I look over at Imani. "Damien where are you?" My head scrambles.


No where to run. My back hits a dead end in the alley way. My mind is racing. What if I end up like one of those people on TV.

Just as my thoughts get out of control, my foot hits something on the ground behind me. The noise responds with a metal clank.

It was a sewer grate. This was the only way out of this sickness. I pulled on the grate. It took a few more pulls to come loose. Sliding the grate to the side I climbed down into the abyss.

Author Letters

So.. welcome I guess. There wasn't a author letters for the first chapter. I didn't plan on putting in a letter for a chapter that short anyways.

Hopefully you guys got a taste of my writing style AND YES IT IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT!!!

Maybe even let me know what you think. There aren't very many stand alone TWD adaptations on Wattpad.

One of the first things I thought about when putting the story together for this book was would the reader even care for a stand alone story with completely different characters than the show and comics?

I hope the answer is yes.. but I'll just have to wait and see.

Also for those of you who are interested in a stand alone story. Please stick with me through this process, I have big plans for the future of this story.

See you guys in chapter three!

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