Bonus #3: Seungin Proposal 💍

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*takes place a few weeks after the wedding*


"F-fuck Innie!"



Seungmin kept moaning as he rode Jeongin. They were currently on round two. They weren't in heat or rut. They just wanted to be intimate with each other without the extra hormones.

Jeongin was sitting on the bed, his back to the head board of the bed sheets around his and Seungmin's waist as the beta sat in his lap riding him at a steady pace.

The sight was beautiful to the younger one. He loved his mate with all his heart and nothing pleased him more than satisfying his mate.

"Just a bit more Minnie, i'm close too" the alpha said.

A few minutes later both males cummed and Seungmin stayed in the alpha's lap panting.

They stayed like that cuddled up to one another just enjoying the comfort. After a while Jeongin spoke.

"Marry me" the alpha quietly said to his mate

The beta sat up quickly on the younger's lap.

"What?" The beta quietly said searching in the alpha's eyes for a sign that it was a joke but he didn't find it.

The young alpha only smiled and carefully, while holding his mate on his lap, reached inside the drawer next to their bed pulling out a small blue box making the beta gasp.

The alpha grabbed his mates hand and speaking.

"I've been thinking about this for a while actually. Eversince the day I asked about Luna's wedding months ago, I got the idea. I knew then, at that time it would be too soon. And maybe it still is, but I don't want to wait Minnie. I want to be with you now and forever. Have you as my wife, my mate, the mother to my pups. I want it all and it's with you. I honestly could have done something better for a proposal but I think here, now in our own little intimate bubble is better. I love you and I would love for you to become my wife by marrying me" the alpha finished and opened the small box showing the ring.

The beta had tears in his eyes as he nodded and hugged his mate

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The beta had tears in his eyes as he nodded and hugged his mate.

"Yes" he quietly said hiding his face in the youngers neck.

The alpha smiled and hugged back the male before pulling away and putting the ring on his finger before pecking his lips.

"I love you" the alpha said

"I love you too" the beta replied before kissing his mate passionately, both boys gettibg list in their kiss that'll lead them to round three as celebration.

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