Chapter 26: Family Reunion pt 2

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The next day the packs the Carrasco's sent to help, TWICE, ENHYPEN and GOT7 arrived.

Now all they had to do, was wait for Hyunjin's sister.

When everyone was going over the plan Jeongin spotted something from the distance.

"Changbin hyung, five people are approaching" he said.

At this the male turned around to see, the other pack leaders doing the same and everyone being in high alert.

As the five figures approached, they could mow see they were females. Two of them being familiar to three people.

Once they were close, one of them finally spoke "It's good to see you again Oppa"

"Yeji. We've missed you! It's sad we had to reunite like this" Changbin said hugging the female. 

"I'm guessing these are your packmates" Yeji said pointing at the rest of skz.

"Yes they are and the rest are friends of ours ready to help fight the Hwang Pack to get your brother" Changbin said

"Ahh I see. Hello, my name is Yeji. Hwang Yeji. I'm Hyunjin's sister. Thank you all for taking your time and risking everything for my brother and his pack. The Hwang Pack is as ruthless as you can imagine. I would know, I'm their daughter afterall. These ladies are members of our pack ITZY. We have another alpha Lia, Yuna who is a beta, Chaeryeong who's an omega and Ryujin who is also an omega. I hope we'll work great together and in the end we can win against the sinister Hwangs" Yeji spoke.

Everyone nodded and welcomed the ladies. They all went to talk and fill Yeji and the girls on their plan. Well, all except one.

"Han, Chris, didn't expect to see you two here" Ryujin said.

"Neither did we. I surely didn't expect you to be with the Hwang's daughter" Chan spoke

"Yeah, life didn't go as planned. Can we talk? The three of us" Ryujin said

"No" "Sure" both Jisung and Chan spoke at the same time.

Jisung glared at Chan but sighed and nodded his head. They went to the balcony while everyone else was at the front yard discussing the plan. The three of them sat down to talk.

"So..." Chan said.

"You left me" Ryujin calmly said

"Huh?" Chan said while Jisung just sighed. He knew one day they'd encounter the omega and would have to talk about everything.

"You left me. The day of our wedding you denied me in front of everyone including our parents. And then the next day you just vanished. Not a warning, not a note. Nothing" Ryujin said softly

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't marry you. I loved and still do love Jisung. He's my mate. Marrying you would've been a mistake" Chan said

"I didn't care if you loved Jisung. I would've understood. But you didn't tell me anything and when I tried to talk to you Chris you just blew me off. And then the ceremony comes and you deny me in front of everyone. Both our packs and parents" Ryujin said

"What's wrong with telling the truth?" Chan said

Jisung sighed and spoke before Ryujin could "Channie, baby, you're an alpha. You're treated like royalty basically. Us, me and Ryujin, we're omegas. And though we're not treated bad, we're raised differently. Omegas are raised to be the perfect companion for their mate, wether it's their true mate or an arranged mate. We're taught to be the perfect. If you get publicly denied by who is supposed to be your mate, especially the next in line to be the head alpha of the pack, you're basically saying they're not worthy of being your omega. Which means we bring shame to our families. Bringing shame could lead to other alphas not wanting you, cruel punishments and even getting banished"

Chan's eyes widened. He didn't know omegas were raised like that. That's why his father was angry at him and his mother was dissapointed. It all made sense now.

"After you denied me at the ceremony and left that night everything went bad. I returned with my parents back to Daegu only to be shunned for bringing shame to the family. In my father's eyes I was an unworthy omega to be future luna of the pack and he banished me. I spent months trying to find either of you but couldn't. Eventually I went to China. There I stumbled upon a small village. The luna saw how malnourished I was and offered me food and shelter. That's how I met Yeji and Lia. I later became part of Itzy" Ryujin said.

"I-i had no idea omegas we're raised like that. I'm very sorry Ryujin for all the pain and bad things I caused you. If I had known, I would've done things differently. I don't regret being with Jisung, but I do regret the way I did things. I hurt both of you and I'm deeply sorry" Chan said.

"I've already forgiven you Channie. It's really up to Ryujin not me" Jisung said

"I already forgave you. A long time ago. It took me a while to forgive, I was very bitter and angry. All I wanted was revenge. I hated you, but not as much as I hated Jisung. I remember telling myself if I ever ran into Jisung I'd cause him as much pain as you caused me. Then after meeting the girls and chatting with Luna I came to understand that I was holding a grudge towards someone I should've been sorry to. Though it wasn't my intention to get between your relationship, I did. And then blamed you for everything even though you had nothing to do with it. That day I vowed to myself that if I ever saw you I'd apologize. I'm sorry too Jisung, I know it's been years but I hope you can forgive me as well" Ryujin spoke

Jisung was quiet. He didn't expect for Ryujin to apologize.

"I forgive you. It wasn't your intention. It's all in the past now. Even though things didn't go as planned back then, maybe now you can find your true mate" Jisung spoke

"I would hope so too. I think we should head back" Ryujin spoke getting up from the seat walking towards the group.

Chan was about to follow but Jisung grabbed his arm and turned him back. He gave him a tender kiss full of love.

"I love you. I'm glad Hyunjin luna made my stubborn ass forgive you. I can't imagine being with someone else besides you" Jisung skpoke hugging the alpha.

"I love you too Ji, so much I'm scared I might lose you one day. I almost did one time and I don't want that to happen ever again" Chan quietly spoke hugging the omegas waist.

"You'll never lose me Channie. You never did in the first place. I may have been very angry, but my heart yearned for you and still does" Jisung said.

Chan gave him a small peck before speaking "Let's get back now"

They walked back to the group just as Changbin and Yeji spoke.

"We leave tonight at midnight." Changbin said making everyone nod.

"Everyone make sure you get some rest and eat well. It'll be a rough journey from here on out" Yeji spoke.


Hello everyone, here's a small update for you all.

We finally got electricity and water back. We're slowly starting to pick up the pieces from the dammage done by Hurricane Fiona.

Little by little we're moving on. Though me and my family didn't suffer much dammage, there were people who unfortunately lost everything. The communities are gathering together to help out those people how ever we can.

My heart goes out to the people in Dominican Republic and Canada who were also affected by this horrible storm. As well as the people in Mexico who have suffered multiple earthquakes this past few days. I hope you all are safe and well.

Hopefully I can update consistently now.

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