Chapter 1- pt. 1

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A/N: Story will be in 3rd POV unless said so. The pictures below are how they look in the flashback. After that they look older, how they are now.



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Flashback- October 27th, 2017- 2:00 am

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Flashback- October 27th, 2017- 2:00 am

How long have they been running? They've lost track of time. They don't know where they're going but they can't stop. If they do, they may be caught. Tired, sleepy, exhausted is how they feel but, they must keep going. Will they be able to escape? Will they be happy? These questions keep running in Hyunjin's mind as they move. All he knows is that it's too late to go back and he doesn't want to go back any way. If he has Changbin he'll be okay. As they keep on moving, Changbin comes to a halt. He turns around and mind links Hyunjin.

"My love, I have a friend that can help us escape. We'll have to leave the country. I know it's not ideal, but we'll never be truly safe and happy long as we're here. He can help us leave and take us to a land I have in a secluded forest in Japan. I wouldn't recommend this if I didn't think it, was our best option. Just think about how we can start our new life together, just the two of us. All I need is for you to agree and I promise you I will keep us safe and make you as happy as you can be for the rest of our lives. What do you say?" 

Hyunjin was thinking about it, and he knew Changbin was right. If they wanted to be free, happy and be able to love the man he mated with, then they'd have to leave the country and fast. He knew once his family learned of his absence there were going to be troupes looking out for both. With that in mind he spoke "As soon as my family knows I've not only mated but also escaped with you, we'll have troupes and guards coming for us. They'll want you dead or alive and I can't risk that. I love you too much to be greedy enough to mate with you and put you in danger so, yes, let's leave and never come back. I know as long as I have you, I'll be okay."

After Hyunjin agreed, they ran off to they outskirts of the forest where they shifted and put some clothes on. After that, Changbin immediately grabbed his disposable phone which he bought for said occasion knowing he couldn't bring his own and called up his friend. After much planning and talking it was settled that they'd leave on the 30th around 5am by boat. When everything was settled, Changbin hung up the phone and laid down on the ground next to Hyunjin and covered both with a blanket he had brought. They went to sleep knowing they'd have to keep watch and be careful of not getting caught.

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