Chapter 8: "Forgiveness and Second Chances"

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A/N: mind linking is in italics. 

After Chan told the rest of the pack their story, Hyunjin couldn't help but feel there was something more the alpha wasn't saying. There must have been another reason for him to hurt Jisung so badly like that, he just didn't know why. 

After a few days, he decided he needed to talk  to both males. The tension in the house could be cut with a knife and it only made things worse when both males would cry themselves to sleep, one being hurt by everything that happened and the other because of causing everything. 

With a determined mind, Hyunjin made his way to Felix and Jisung's room, finding both omegas curled on the bed cuddling while Jisung's small sniffles could be heard. The luna mind linked Felix "Felix darling, I need to speak with Jisung alone. Could you leave us to talk? If you want to cuddle I'm sure Binnie or Minnie would be happy to". After hearing that, the omega made his way out of the room, but not before giving his best friend and his luna a kiss on the cheek and a small hug.

Once Felix left the bed, Jisung started to cry once again thinking he was all alone in the room. "Oh sweetheart come here. Let luna take care of you" Hyunjin said while sitting against the headboard of the bed and having Jisung move to his lap to comfort the younger. He started to sob and shake. He was so conflicted with his feelings. 

His brain was pissed because Chan mated him when he specifically said not to, but his heart was delighted. His brain wanted to hate Chan for what happened in the past, but his heart had already forgiven him. His brain told him not to love Chan, but his heart never stopped loving him. He was so conflicted with himself and the luna knew it.

"My little squirrel, want to tell me what's wrong? All this crying can't only be about Chan mating you. There's something else bothering you" the luna quietly spoke while caressing the youngers hair. 

"I-i feel so c-con-flic-ted. I want to hate Chan but I can't" the younger spoke while sniffling. He breathe in Hyunjin's calming pheromones and was becoming more relaxed. "He k-killed our baby and I sh-should hate him, but I can't. I should but I can't because I know there must have been another reason" Jisung said. 

Hyunjin knew all to well that maybe Chan wasn't fully honest with anyone of them. He should probably get to the bottom of it. 

"Sungie baby, I know it's conflicting. But, have you ever tried to maybe listen to what Channie has to say. You said so yourself that you think there was another reason. So why not let him explain? You've both been living with this grief, guilt and anger for way to long now, I think it's time for closure. I'm not saying you have to forgive him so soon or tend to your duties as a mate right away, but maybe you could both start the path towards healing and moving on" the luna said. 

The omega was stubborn, but knew his luna was right. They should settle this once and for all because they are destined to be together after all. 

"Baby, are you with Jisung" Changbin mind linked Hyunjin. "Yes I am, why?" the omega asked. "I think it's best of me and Chan go over there. He opened up to me about a few things and I thinks it's best they talk it out, with our supervision of course. I don't want there to be another argument" Changbin said. "Ok, come. We're in his room. I sent Felix to go cuddle with Seungmin so I could talk with Jisung alone" the luna said. 

"Bubs, Binnie linked me. H e said Chan had some things he needed to say" Hyunjin said. At the the omegas breathing quickened. "Hey, hey it's alright. You won't be alone. Binnie and I will be here. Remember what I told you, just hear him out, you don't have to forgive right away but at least let him be heard" Hyunjin said.

The door to the room opened and in came Changbin and a pale looking Chan. You could tell just by looking at him that he was in no better condition than Jisung. Both hadn't been eating, hadn't been shifting and going on runs. They were a mess. 

Changbin quickly made his way to his mate, sitting down beside him while Chan sat at the far end of the bed. Noticing Chan's behavior, Hyunjin quickly swapped Jisung onto Changbin's lap, and made his way towards Chan. Making sure to hold the alphas hand and caress his hair. 

"Channie, Bin said you had some things to share with Jisung about the night before everything happeneed" Hyunjin said. Chan nodded before sighing and speaking.

"I don't remember much. Everything I know, I know because one of the beta servers told me. I remember a few hours back before meeting Mr. Shin and Ryujin, I was with Jisung. He had told me he was carrying our pup. I knew I had to tell my father sooner or later because he was already planning for me to marry someone else. I told Jisung everything would be alright because I thought it would be. My father had a strict rule that no pregnant omega would be harmed and no pup would be punished. I thought that applied to Jisung as well, seeing as he's an omega and was carrying a pup" Chan started, taking a minute to gather his breath and thoughts before continuing. 

"I should've known that he'd make an exception if I were to be involved somehow. I left Jisung's house and made my way towards my father. When I arrived Mr. Shin and his daughter were already there. I knew I had to say something now or never. So I did. I told my dad Jisung and I had been together for almost a year, that I was planning on marrying him and having him become my luna. My father was furious. I hadn't seen him like that in years. He had this dark look in his eyes that just screamed anger, fury even. Any way, he locked me in my room for an entire week before the so called wedding ceremony. During the ceremony I couldn't look at Jisung. I knew he was confused and hurt. But, once I saw him stand up to leave, I knew I had to say something, so I did. In front of everyone. My father had an indescribable look on his face. He made the guard take Jisung to the basement and dragged me to his office. We argued, so loud I think everyone heard. At one point I was to tired from arguing I was gonna leave, but before I could do that he injected be with a potion. A command potion our healers made so that intruders would be obligated to follow orders. After injecting me he dragged me over to the basement where everything happened" Chan finished. 

Hyunjin was shocked. His Channie was under the influence of a potion. He was angry and was wishing death upon Chan's dad just by the look on his face. 

"Jisung, believe me, I would've never done that purposely. You and our pup were the best thing to have happened to me. I know I fucked up by giving you some lame ass excuse about me being selfish and not wanting you to leave, but I didn't want you to see me as weak. I'd rather have you thinking I was selfish than weak." Chan said

Jisung was shocked. He had a feeling that day that Chan's excuse wasn't the truth and now having confirmation there was really no reason to hate him. He knew an alphas ego and pride was everything to them so he now understood why Chan would prefer him hating him that seeing him as weak.

Jisung, slowly got up from Changbins lap where he had been placed by Hyunjin and made his way towards Chan. Kneeling in front of him he couldn't help but burst into tears and jump at the alpha engulfing him in a hug. Both males full on sobbing at this point. Both of them letting out their feelings. Sadness, Grief, Anger, Weakness and LOVE. 

Hyunjin made his way towards Changbin, sitting on his lap watching both males with a small smile on his face. 

This was what they needed. 

This was their first step towards healing.

Their first step to rekindle their undying love for each other. 

Their first step towards happiness. 

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