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 Before we get into the next chapter I want to clear up a few things:

1. In no way am I trying to portray Chan as an abusive asshole. It was only in the last chapter and for the sake of being able to come up with something so this next chapter made sense. 

2. This chapter is going to talk about some triggering themes such as abuse, sexual assault, self harm and suicide attempt. If these themes trigger any old habits or bad memories I suggest not reading it. There will be warning signs of when such themes begin and when they end. 

3. Third, in no way am I romanticizing abuse, self harm or suicide. This is only for the sake of the story and character development. I am also not insinuating that Felix or any of the boys feel or do such things. 

4. This is a fictional book so nothing I write is real. These themes however are real and if you ever need help don't hesitate to ask me or anyone else for it. I understand it can be difficult to read these types of things, but I personally think sometimes reading about it could help people understand the severity of these things and could sometimes help people who could relate with a character. 

5. I'm providing the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number for anyone who needs it 1-800-273-TALK (8255). My Inbox is always available to talk if you need to. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT YOU MATTER! YOU ARE WORTHY! YOU ARE PRECIOUS AND LOVED! NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE TELLS YOU!

With that being said, proceed to read with caution. Take care fairies!

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