Chapter 25: Unexpected Trade

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After making calls and making sure the plan was set everyone got to work. They decided hosting everyone at the Skz territory was best. Ateez's territory was huge but not like SKZ. They had yards and yards of land. 

They also had three houses that were built by the alphas over the past few years for when each of the couples decided to marry and start their little families (even though they would most likely stay at the main house more than their houses). So they decided to use them to host the upcoming guests. 

 The Skz members would be staying in the main house along with the Ateez members. 

After arriving at the SKZ territory, everyone set out to do different things. 

Felix and Jisung along with their mates had to clean the other houses and make sure they were equipped with everything for their guests.

The Ateez omegas were settling down in the guest rooms Hyunjin had showed them in the main house. 

Seungmin, Jeongin and Jongho had gone to get more groceries.

Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Seonghwa were starting dinner. While Changbin and Hongjoong went to meet up with ShaeLynne and Mr. Carrasco to inform them of their plan. They knew the other packs were arriving in the next few days. 

While Seonghwa was working with the food, Hyunjin decided to go outside to theyr garden to pick some fresh vegetables for the salad. As he was walking he noticed an arrow with a scroll. He immediately knew where it came from.

Deciding not to alarm everyone else he hid it inside his pocket and returned inside with the vegetables. He put them in the kitchen and excused himself to his room.

Locking the door, he took out the scroll and opened it to see a letter written by his former pack. 


Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

After reading the letter, he knew he'd have to leave tonight. If his parents were willing to make a trade he had to comply or else Yeosang would get hurt. He'd rather sacrifice himself than let an innocent guy like Yeosang get hurt because of his parents. 

If the trade was going to happen, it would most likely happen at the boarder far away from sight. It was dangerous to do this, to leave his mate, pack mates, friends, especially while carrying a pup. Yes, he was pregnant. He found out two days earlier when news of Yeosang's disappearance came.


After everyone got settled in and they ate dinner everyone retreated to their rooms to sleep. Tomorrow the first two packs would arrive and training would be done. The faster they moved the faster Yeosang got back. 

After a few hours, once he knew everyone was asleep Hyunjin got off the bed. He changed his clothes and made sure not to make noise. He left the letter his parents sent on the dining room table beside his own letter. 

He knew his mate would be upset but he had to do this. 

He made his way outside and shifted before running to the pack boarder. Once there he saw Yeosang tied by the hands and legs with some shackles. He also saw some old fighters from his former pack. He shifted back to his human form. 

"Look who showed up, little Hyunjin" one of the men spoke. 

"Alpha and Luna were right. He is sacrificing himself for this one" the other male spoke. 

"I'm here. No one knows I came and I'm alone just like I was asked. Once I cross the boarder any direct contact with my pack will cease. Let him go and you can have me" Hyunjin spoke.

The luna crossed the boarder and bared his wrists to be schakled. Once he was, they released Yeosang. 

"Hyunjin luna why?" Yeosang spoke.

"Don't worry. It's ok Sangie. Go. Your packmates are at our territory. Just follow my scent, it should still be around. Go and don't look back. Go to the dining room once you're there" Hyunjin whispered before he was pulled away from the male and taken away back to his 'family'. 

Yeosang started running back to the SKZ house frantically. He didn't understand why Hyunjin would sacrifice himself for him but he was determined to have everyone get him back. 


By the time morning came Yeosang was close to the house. Only about 20 minutes away. 

At the same time everyone else was starting to wake up. The first ones being the Ateez omegas and Jisung. As they were working on making breakfast, all of a sudden the mug Jisung was holding fell down to the floor breaking and making a startling noise. This startled Seonghwa and the others.

"Jisung are you alright?" Seonghwa spoke but the omega didn't pay attention. He just kept mumbling to himself.

"No, no, no this can't be right" Jisung kept mumbling.

"Jisung what's wrong?" Seonghwa asked.

"Something's not right. I can feel it" the omega responded. "No. No this can't be"

Seonghwa was starting to worry and went to wake up everyone else.

"What's going on?" Changbin said looking at Jisung.

"I have a feeling" was all Jisung said.

"Has Hyunjin woken up yet?" Seonghwa asked.

"What do you mean? He must've because he wasn't in our room" Changbin said.

"Maybe he's outside?" Yunho asked.

"No, I was sunbathing by the lake and he wasn't there. And Min did a perimeter run and didn't see him" Felix spoke. 

Once he said that Jisung realised what his feeling was, and as everyone was asking questions of where the luna could be, they heard shouting from outside the house. 


"Yeosang?!" Seonhwa said and ran outside.  

Once outside they could see Yeosang running towards them.

"Yoesang! How are you here?" Seonghwa asked

"H-Hy-Hyunjin L-luna" Yeosang stuttered by panting.

"He sacrificed himself! He traded places with Yeosang last night didn't he?" Jisung spoke

Yeosang nodded. "He told me to run *panting* and once *panting* I got here t-to go to the dining room" he said.

At this Felix ran inside and found both notes. 

He read out loud the Hwang letter before reading Hyunjin's. 

"I made the trade. Don't come for me yet. Wait until everyone is there. Binnie, make sure she's there before you come- Hyunjin" Felix read

At this Changbin nodded. He was angry and desperate but he knew what his mate meant by waiting for her

Moonlight DesiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora