A Killer Lead

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Dear Mia,

You remember that indie band at Moonlight? The hot lead guitarist approached me when you went to the bathroom. I was uncomfortable, but I couldn't figure out why. It was like. . . like my body recognized me but my mind didn't. Well, Tanner approached and I could tell whatever it was I was feeling wasn't just in my head. He knew the guitarist too and he def didn't like him. Is he my stalker?

Love you,


One vague diary entry is how I ended up sitting opposite of Parker inside the bar I'd spent more time in this summer than my own house. Though I was still furious with Parker, I needed to bite the bullet for now; there was no way in hell Tanner would have accompanied me. He would have went based on logic and refused to allow me within a hundred feet of Nixon Stone after the stunt he'd pulled at the party. I was luckily able to get my mom to drive up and watch the twins for a couple hours, as Tanner was out and I knew without a doubt in my mind he would question where the hell we were going.

"That him?" Parker muttered, glancing up from his phone. I tore my eyes from him and looked to the door leading to the back of the building. Nixon and a tall, burly bald man with a Viking beard had come in and were in the midst of a heated conversation by the looks of it. The Viking guy's head was a bright red, shaking from side to side as he muttered under his breath, Nixon's blue eyes were as cold and empty as the last time I'd seen him, but the same fury was ignited as he conversated with the man.

Feeling eyes on him, Nixon turned his own on to me in seconds and color drained from his face in an instant. Whether it was because of our run in at the party and Tanner's threat or because he possibly thought he was staring at my dead sister, I wasn't sure. He started in our general direction, but I could tell by the speed in his walk that he had no desire to stop and talk. Unfortunately for him, Parker was twice his size and shifted seconds before he passed and caught his arm, spinning Nixon toward us so quickly he stumbled over his own feet and nearly crashed into Parker.

"Look, man, I don't know what you think I might know about what happened. But I know nothing."

I took my chances and walked around the table so I was beside Parker. "That's a load of crap. Tanner said you were at the party that night fighting with Maya. You were the last one to see her."

Nixon turned to me with a sneer. "I didn't do shit. We fought because she was being a whore and I left. I don't know where the hell she went after our argument. Bet she went to go suck some other guy off."

"She was killed an hour after Tanner saw you two at the party." I said. "You were the last one to see her alive. There was witnesses everywhere that saw you there."

He started forward, looking as if he were going to respond with physicality rather than words. Parker slammed his palm against the lankier boy's chest and shook his head with a warning look. "Touch her and I'll break your neck."

"I drove her back to her apartment." Nixon whispered, then louder added, "She'd had the twins like two weeks before that and decided to show up at a party where I was going to get wasted and tell me that the kids were mine."

I'd already come to the conclusion at the party that it was a huge likelihood that Nixon was the father of the kids, but Parker looked taken back, confused, but didn't get a chance to question it, because Nixon continued before he could.

"Some dude was there. Old as fuck. Watching the kids and was clearly pissed she was out so late."

Parker must have reached some sort of epiphany because he straightened suddenly and said, "What'd he look like?"

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