Fandomination part 1

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Here's a Dipper centric episode for once.



"*yawn*" Mabel woke up stretching her limbs. "G'morning, Dipper. G'morning, Gravity Falls. G'morning, Shembulock- wait what?"

"Shmebulock." Replied Shembulock sleepily without a care in the world as he layed on a mattress across from Dipper and Mabel's beds.

"Oh, right. Stan gambled with you and now you live with us." Muttered Mabel rubbing her temples. "Forgot about that. Well, at least it can't get worse- OH MY GOSH!"

Mabel's scream quickly woke her brother.

"Wha- what? Where's my lab coat?" Asked Dipper in confusion.

"It's all a dream and that's reality!" Yelled Mabel pointing towards the window where a human face was stuck to the glass.

"AHHHH!" Dipper screamed in horror as he stared at the creature.

"Hiiiii." Was all it said before Mabel punched it off the shack revealing it to be a large framed girl roughly Mabel's age whose voice was reminiscent of the druids of old. "I'm okay."

Mabel could only stare in confusion at what just happened before she and Dipper decided to see whatever this was about.


After quickly getting dressed, the twins dashed downstairs and out of the shack to meet their strange visitors...plural.

Memories flooded Mabel's mind as she quickly realized who the duo was.

"Okay, who are you two and why were you watching us while we were asleep." Asked Dipper angrily.

"I'm Candy and this is Grenda and we're the founders of the Mabel Pines fan club." Said Candy cheerfully.

"The what now?" Asked Mabel in confusion almost immediately.

"The Mabel Pines fanclub, a fanclub dedicated to the star who took down Pacifica Northwest!" Exclaimed Candy excitedly.

"We have, like, over twenty members." Added Grenda cheerfully.

"Over twenty people formed a fanclub for a girl they saw once in a party where she ultimately passed out from exhaustion?" Asked Dipper feeling disturbed about the situation.

Without shame, Candy and Grenda nodded happily as it was very normal.

"You literally don't know anything about me, what do you even do at that club?" Asked Mabel in confusion.

"Mostly chant your name ominously in a dark room filled with candles and pictures of you." Replied Grenda nonchalantly.

Silence filled the area as the twins were too surprised to do anything.

"Don't worry, they're scented candles." Added Candy with a wink.

"HOW DOES THAT MAKE IT ANY BETTER?!" Snapped Mabel angrily before rubbing her temples. "Look, I don't know you and you don't know me so how about we-"

"Hmm, you're right!" Exclaimed Candy cheerfully. "And I know how to fix that!"

"No, no you do NOT." Yelled Mabel in a panic.


Suddenly, far more than twenty people flooded the area and approached Mabel.

Without missing a beat, Mabel grabbed Dipper's hand and ran into the shack with her brother before quickly locking the door.

"This feels like the gnomes all over again." Muttered Dipper panting in fear.

"Shmebulock!" Exclaimed Shmebulock feeling rather offended.

"Oh, uhh. Sorry, Shmebulock." Replied Dipper awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

Mabel looked through the door's window to see what was going on only to find the face of a random fan pushed against the glass. She immediately ducked as to not be seen.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GEESE!" Exclaimed Stan causing the twins to turn to his location.

"Yes!" Mabel was happy to see her grumpy grunkle who would not hesitate to use the hose on the elderly. "Grunkle Stan, I suddenly got a fanclub and they want to...know me, I guess? Anyways, can you kick them out?"

"Hold on, hold on. You're saying that behind that door is a crowd of people who would do anything to even just talk to you?"

"...yes?" Said Mabel in the tone of a question.

"Shembulock?" Added Shmebulock in confusion.

"Congratulations, Mabel! You're now our newest attraction."

"What?!" "Shembulock?!"

"Just think of all the money we can make!" Stan continued with his conman smile.

Mabel glared at her grunkle angrily. She growled in anger before storming off to her room in anger.

"Grunkle Stan!" Dipper glared at Stan before rushing off to find his sister.

"What?" Asked Stan in confusion before Shembulock shook his head disapprovingly at him. "Hey, what did I do?"

Shmebulock turned away and walked away with his arms crossed.


"Stupid Stan! Stupid fanclub! Ugh!"

Mabel growled in her and Dipper's room as she stared at the crowd from the window. Her supposed to be friends are now unintentionally tormenting her.

As Mabel was writhing in anger on her bed, she heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." She replied tiredly.

Dipper entered the room and spoke. "You okay?"

"No." Deadpanned Mabel. "Ugh, why did I do all that stuff at the party? So stupid!"

Dipper winced. It was his fault this happened since he was supposed to watch Mabel when she was sick.

"...maybe I can try and drive off your fanclub."

"" Asked Mabel curiously.

"I'm sure we can get one of the minotaurs to scare them or something." Replied Dipper nonchalantly. "They still owe us from the mailbox incident."

Mabel giggled. "Just a bit overkill, though."

"Well, you can count on me to figure something out." Said Dipper cheerfully as he headed out of the room.

"Sure thing, Mr. Reliable." Replied Mabel jokingly with a smile.

And with that Dipper closed the door before letting out a sigh.

"Okay, time to fix my mistake." Said Dipper in a determined tone. "And nothing is getting in my way-"


"AAAAHHHH!!!" Dipper cried in fear before noticing that it was just Shmebulock. "Phew, just you."

"Shmebulock!" Shembulock held his arms forward as if asking Dipper to take him with.

"Okay, but don't get in the way. Got it?" Said Dipper in a serious tone.



Guess I'm on a roll for not so good chapters. Maybe I should just stop doing this fic.


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