The Hand that Rocks the Mabel pt1

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I skipped Headhunters because it would have been largely unchanged, save for some minor dialogue changes and scene skips since it's quite a Dipper centeric episode and Mabel doesn't have the full episode knowledge. (Also, Dipper's gotta have some of that glory too.)

I'll just say that Mabel thinks Dipper's sneeze is the most adorable thing in the world and that she angrily insulted Blubs and Durly for not doing anything and arm wrestled with some bikers.


"The tiger was badly injured in the explosion. But we repaired him...with a fist!" Said an announcer on TV before the words 'Tiger Fist' appeared on the screen.

Seeing this, the twins and Soos cheered before a commercial started playing, starting with a few pigeons flying into the air.

"Hey, look! It's that commercial I was telling you guys about." Said Soos pointing at the screen.

It was about Gideon. A self proclaimed psychic who was making fun of Stan in his commerical while advertising that his abilities will make you happy.

All in all, Mabel wasn't impressed.

"Man, I haven't seen that much shamelessness before even from Stan." Said Mabel cheerfully as she wore a red flannel shirt with a black undershirt and black leggings as well as her shooting star necklace.

As if on que, Stan entered the room.with a deep frown on his face.

"Oh, he's more than shameless." Stan said as he entered the living room. "Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothing but trouble."

"Can't you just sue him for a lot of money for using your face without permission?" Asked Mabel raising a brow.

"You can do that?" Asked Stan in surprise and Mabel nodded quickly.

Immediately, Stan began only seeing money as he imagined himself bankrupting Gideon. He was so immersed in his thoughts, he didn't notice Dipper calling for him.

"-kle Stan, GRUNKLE STAN!" Yelled Dipper before Stan finally woke up from his trance. "Before you try to ruin Gideon financially, Is he actually a psychic?"

Stan paused before bursting into laughter.

"Oh, oh. Oh no. Him?" Said Stan wiping a tear while laughing as he walked away. "Hahahaha!"

Dipper and Mabel stared at him with an odd look before he was completely out of hearing range.

"We should go and check." Said Dipper cheerfully.

"I don't know, Dipper. I have a major bad feeling about this Gideon." Replied Mabel with a frown as she tried to remember Gideon and only coming out with alarms in her head

Dipper frowned for a second before a thought popped into his head.

"Wait. Bad feeling?" Said Dipper before his twin raised a brow. "You don't think maybe Gideon has something to do with your lost memories?"

Mabel went silent, uncomfortable talking about this particular subject with her twin. Something he quickly misunderstood despite being right.

"Now we HAVE to go and find out. C'mon!"

Before Mabel could protest, Dipper dragged her with him as he began running to Gideon's tent of telepathy with Soos following right after. And none of them heard the end of the commercial.

"So come down here, folks. Gideon's expecting ya."


"Step right up there, folks. Put your money in Gideon's psychic sack!" Said a man outside Gideon's tent of telepathy, holding a sack much like one Stan uses to scam people of their money.

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