The Inconveniencing part 1

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"Mabel, do you believe in ghosts."

"I battled a living wax figure of the William Shakespeare to the death." Deadpanned Mabel wearing a red short sleeved shirt, her shooting star necklace and black leggings as she sat crosslegged on the counter.

"A yes then." Replied Dipper calmly as he read from the journal.

"Soos! Wendy!" Exclaimed Stan as he entered the gift shop, prompting Dipper to hide his journal.

The two workers quickly arrived upon hearing Stan calling.

"What's up Mister Pines." Said Soos.

"I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right?" Asked Stan in a serious tone.

"Yes, sir!" Replied Soos enthusiastically.

"Absolutely not." Added Wendy calmly.

"Ha!" Laughed Stan. "You stay outta trouble." He continued before leaving the shack.

Not even half a minute later, Wendy decided to go against what Stan said. She showed everyone a hidden ladder behind a curtain.

"Hey guys! What's this? A secret ladder to the roof?"

"Uh, I don't think Mister Pines would like that." Said Soos in concern before Wendy started taunting him by reaching for the ladder. "You're freaking me out, dude!"

"Can we actually go up there?" Asked Dipper with a big smile.

"Sure we can. Roof time, roof time!" Chanted Wendy before the twins started chanting with her.

It didn't take long for everyone, save for Soos, to get on the roof and Wendy showed them the place.

"Alright, check it out." Said Wendy cheerfully as she gestured towards the chair and cola she put there

The twins stared in awe at Wendy's masterpiece before Dipper decided to ask.

"Cool! Did you put all this stuff up here?"

"I may or may not sneak up here during work, all the time, everyday." Replied Wendy with a smile before picking up a pinecone and throwing it at the bullseye of a target placed on a totem outside the shack. "Yes!"

"You think that's cool?" Asked Mabel with a grin as she picked up a pinecone. "Check THIS out."

Mabel then proceeded to throw the pinecone in the air before kicking it for a bullseye on the target.

"Woah!" Exclaimed Wendy with a smile.

Without missing a beat Mabel did another trick to get a pinecone into the bullseye and another and another and it was a bullseye every time. Wendy was speechless.

Dipper already knew of Mabel's talent so he was less impressed than Wendy and decided to throw a pinecone of his own.

He completely missed the target and hit a car causing it to start honking. Dipper blushed in embarrassment at the consequences of his actions while Wendy celebrated them.

"Jackpot! High five!" Said Wendy holding her hand up for a high five from Dipper who just stood there...staring at Wendy.

Mabel saw this and froze as memories started pouring in, snippets of Dipper's feelings for Wendy and for once, how it would end.

By the time she came back to reality, Wendy already ziplined her way to her friends in a car that stopped by the shack.

"Later, Wendy! Heheheh, *deep breath* good times." Said Dipper awkwardly.

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