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You never get to truly appreciate something until it's taken from you. You also never get to appreciate it if you've never had it in the first place. So when a sickly child dies and finds herself reborn as none other than Mabel Pines herself, she decides to live this life to the fullest. (SI-OC as Mabel)


"Honey, come quick! Mabel and Mason are stacking again." Said a man cheerfully.

Quickly, a lady entered the room at unimaginable speed. The two adults stared at one scene that filled them with delight.

The sight of their of one of their twin babies sleeping on top of their sibling.

The two twins were Mason and Mabel Pines. The future legendary Pines twins who go on all kinds of adventures in a sleepy town called Gravity Falls.

That was what Mabel knew. Or at least the girl who's now called Mabel.

She was originally someone who spent their entire life in a hospital due to a sick body that got even worse over the years. She vividly remembered the day her old parents had to pull the plug on the young 12 year old.

And some time later, she woke up to a very blurry scene and a bright light. A hospital, Mabel concluded later on.

Now, she was currently being used as a bed by her new brother and future Dipper Pines with his big dipper birthmark peeking from under his hair.

'At least he isn't too heavy.' Mabel thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling.

She always wondered; was she THE Mabel or did Mabel die and her soul took over? Because it would be horrifying if it was the second. Very horrifying.

Deciding to stop thinking about the morbid question, her head moved to the next point. How was she gonna live now that she was Mabel?

Mabel's body was the complete opposite of her old body. It was probably the most active body in the show. She couldn't waste this.

And this meant not acting like the Mabel she knew. The Mabel that cheerfully chowed down a packet of borderline drugs that one time.

This meant she needed a healthy diet, exercise, and hobbies to deal with hyperactivity.

But for now, she shall snooze as her adorable new baby brother uses her as a bed.


Years later

"I CRAVE BLOOD!!!" Exclaimed Mabel with short hair that's puffy at the end manically as she stood over the body of her defeated enemy.

Mr and Mrs Pines stared at this scene with concerned expressions. They knew of their daughter's...enthusiasm, but it was still surprising.

Their daughter was very hyperactive and this caused her to reach far and wide for things to do when her brother wasn't free. Like learning how to play music, or sing or cook or do art or do sports or carve her name in the ground with the blood of her enemies.

The last one started because someone thought self defense lessons would be good to direct her all the energy she had.

"MORE BLOOD!!!" Exclaimed Mabel as she swept the floor with yet another opponent.

Needless to say, that wasn't the best idea.

Perhaps, another approach was needed. One that didn't involve violence. There was also Dipper who was playing too much video games and needed some fresh air.

And that was when Mr Pines got to the idea of send his kids to live with their great uncle for the summer.


There were some things Dipper Pines never got about his twin, like her obsession with eating healthy, but he'll always love her all the same.

And now, he and his sister were being shipped to a small sleepy town called Gravity Falls to live with their great uncle Stan for the summer. Their parents thought it could be way for him to get some fresh air and for Mabel to find something to put her energy into.

It looked like this summer was going to the most boring of them all.

Until, Mabel started screaming and clutching her head in pain out of nowhere as they approached the town.

Dipper quickly rushed to her aid. "Mabel! MABEL! Are you okay?"

Dipper began to panic as he looked for anything that could help, but found nothing. Thankfully, the pain soon subsided.

"Mabel, what happened?" Asked Dipper in concern.

"Ow. Ugh, I don't know. My head felt like it was splitting out of nowhere." Said Mabel tiredly. "Hey, did we reach...what was it called aga-" Mabel stopped mid sentence realizing she forgot the name of the town.

"Gravity Falls."

And at that moment, Mabel realized that she could barely remember anything about her favorite show.


Mabel's memories of the show was... corrupted upon getting to Gravity Falls by the weirdness magnetism barrier. A lot of plot points would be erased if she perfectly knew how to act in every situation. So, she'll have most of her knowledge blocked and unlocked over the course of the show. Don't worry though, she'll avoid a lot of og Mabel's mistakes while making some of her own.

Tell me if I should continue this fic.


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