Another Falls part 2

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Mabel was very uncomfortable. The person who she either replaced or killed is standing right in front of her with a big smile on her face.

Seeing her counterpart triggered every bad memory in her mind and it was terrifying.

"Doods, it's like I'm staring at a mirror." Said Soos checking with his arm if there's a mirror between the two sets of twins inside the shack.

"That's sorta how alternate realities work, Soos." Said our Dipper calmly. "And we need to find a way back to our reality asap."

"Whaaaa?! But we just met!" Replied canon Mabel.

"Sorry, but we have to go back before our Stan decides to gamble our souls with a gnome." Replied our Dipper nonchalantly.

Canon Dipper and Mabel stared at him in confusion, causing our Dipper to also grow confused.

"Uhh, their Stan doesn't know about the weird...I think." Said our Mabel avoiding eye contact.

"Yours does?!" Exclaimed Dipper in surprise.

"Yeah, after Mabel kidnapped Jeff." Replied our Dipper nonchalantly.

"Wait wait wait wait- YOU kidnapped Jeff? HE kidnapped ME!" Exclaimed canon Mabel staring at her counterpart in shock.

Our Mabel groaned as Mabel Dipper told their counterparts what happened with Jeff before they told their version of the story.

She really wanted to leave as early as possible as to not deal with her alternate sel- canon Mabel.

"Alright, guys! We need to stop getting sidetracked." Said our Mabel gesturing for her brother to come closer. "I have an idea on how we can get back home."

Our Dipper approached his sister who started whispering something in his ears.

Almost immediately, Dipper frowned.


"Dipper." Said Mabel narrowing her eyes and Dipper didn't budge. "Mason."

Canon Dipper frowned at the mention of his name and so did our Dipper.

"Ugh, fine. We'll talk to the stupid mailbox." Grumbled our Dipper crossing his arms.

Canon Dipper and Mabel could only raise brows at the word "Mailbox"


Canon Dipper stared at his sister's counterpart with a frown.

She was acting suspicious, constantly trying to avoid his sister. It seemed that either her brother didn't notice or was in on whatever it was about.

She was also a lot different from his Mabel unlike him and the other Dipper.

Dipper decided to ignore what was happening for now.


The four Pines were now in the forest heading towards the location of the

"Hey, do you like glitter too?" Asked Canon Mabel curiously as she drew something in a notebook with crayons.

"No." Said our Mabel feeling very uncomfortable.

"Well, how about arts and crafts?" Asked C Mabel narrowing her eyes.

"Uhm, sure." Said Our Mabel trying to end the conversation.

She was envying her brother who got along very well with his counterpart. The two were currently talking about the creature they were about to meet.

"Do you own a pet and or like animals in general?" Asked C Mabel curiously as she scribbled in the notebook.

"Eww, no!" Our Mabel snapped. "I can barely stand Stan's hygiene, let alone an animal."

"WHAAAT?!" Exclaimed C Mabel. "No wonder you're so dark and broody."

"Dark and broody?" Asked our Mabel in confusion with a deep frown.

C Mabel held up her notebook for our Mabel to see. Inside was a poorly drawn Venn diagram of her and C Mabel's interests with C Mabel's smiley face on one circle and our Mabel's frowning face on the other.

"See the problem? You need more glitter in your life, sister!"

"Don't call me that." Glared our Mabel.

"See? But don't worry. If you follow my advice, you'll be all smiles!" Said C Mabel cheerfully. "Like me!"

Like me. Like. Me. Like her?

The though send shudders down her spine. She snapped.

"NO!" She yelled on impulse.


Our Mabel couldn't take it anymore and unleashed her anger onto C Mabel.


C Mabel's whimpers grew as she began tearing up, causing the two Dippers to panic.

"Mabel!" Scolded our Dipper disapprovingly.

"What? She started it!" Our Mabel yelled while crossing her arms even though she knew she shouldn't have done that.

C Dipper glared at our Mabel before stomping his way to her.

"What's your deal?!" He asked angrily.

"So what, you're going to tell me she isn't being annoying?" Mabel replied angrily.

"That doesn't mean you can snap at her like that!" Exclaimed C Dipper angrily.

"He's right, Mabel-" said our Dipper before his sister cut him off.

"So you're on their side now, huh?" Our Mabel asked with a deep frown.

Tears began welling up on her eyes as she glared at the two Dipper.

Before she could say another word, a bright light appeared behind Mabel.

And our Dipper's eyes widened as he saw a figure coming from the light.

"Is that a...?"  Said C Dipper in confusion.

"Mailbox." Grumbled our Dipper.

The ground began to shake and rumble causing the Pines to lose their footing. The ground began splitting underneath the Pines.

"Mabel!" Our Dipper screamed as our Mabel fell into the cracks in the ground with C Mabel.

"No no no no." Said C Dipper before he fell into a different crack a second later.

Dipper looked all around him in a panic before turning to mailbox that caused all of this.

"You!" He yelled trying to jump at the mailbox before the ground started swallowing him too.

It wasn't long before the forest was silent once more.


Sorry. I haven't been feeling well lately and I did only this much.


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