The Inconveniencing part 2

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"In the belly! In the belly!" Chantwed Wendy's friends as they tried throwing jelly beans at their friend's bellybutton.

Mabel completely ignored that as she, her twin and Wendy approached the group. She had bigger problems.

Like how her brother currently hated her over her hiding biggest secret. No biggie! She could totally handle this.

"I can't do this." Mabel whispered to herself in a panic as she stared at Dipper. "I can try and wait and hop he'd forgive me later or I can rip the band-aid off quickly and hope he'd forgive me later... again?!"

Dipper noticed his this gaze and muttering and felt guilty for what he told his sister. He, however, pushed the feeling down as he was about to meet Wendy's friends.

The moment Wendy's friends saw her, they began chanting her name cheerfully.

"Hey guys! These are my pals from work, Mabel and Dipper." Said Wendy calmly with a smile.

Mabel didn't hear her name being called in her internal panic and muttering and as such, all was left was awkward silence causing Dipper to rise up and cut in.

"She's just not, uhh, focused right now. Unlike this guy!...this guy..."

"So are you, like, babysitting, or-" asked Robbie, one of Wendy's friends, after seeing Dipper and Mabel as he tried poke Mabel's head.

As she felt the touch of a stranger on her head, Mabel instinctively grabbed Robbie's hand and twisted it, causing the teen to yell in pain.

Mabel quickly noticed she was hurting someone and let go of Robbie.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." Apologized Mabel calmly which sounded slightly condescending.

Before Robbie could complain about what Mabel did, Wendy's other friends swarmed her.

"Dude! That was awesome! How'd you do that?" Asked Nate, another one of Wendy's friends.

"Huh? I just do it, I guess?" Replied Mabel with a shrug, not in the mindset to properly reply.

A moment of silence descended upon the area before the whole gang spoke praise about Mabel, leading Mabel to shrug and Dipper to frown.

After some introductions and Dipper accidentally messing with Robbie, everyone entered Thompson's car and headed out for some fun.


"Huh, I thought there'd be more half chewed gum. It's surprisingly not that bad." Said Mabel as she sat in the back of the car with her twin.

"Mabel, can you not start this whole thing right now?" Said Dipper with a deep frown.

"The whole what?" Asked Mabel in confusion.

"The whole cleanliness obsession." Dipper elaborated.

Mabel was even more confused than before until she connected the dot, or at least thought so. "Is this because of that secret?"

"Yes." Lied Dipper crossing his arms.

Mabel went silent for a few seconds. She was unable to handle Dipper hating her. So, in a moment of weakness, she made her decision.

"I'll tell you." She said dejectedly. "Just...when we're alone."

Dipper froze at how easily Mabel gave up and quickly began feeling guilty, even more so when he saw the sad expression on her face.

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