(1)Are Hoods Such A Big Deal?

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1- Are Hoods Such A Big Deal?

"Libby, take off your hood!" I heard Iris say in that high pitched, frustrating voice of hers. 

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and clenched my fists tightly on my lap. I will not blow, I will not blow. "It's my choice, Iris." I told her, controlling the fury in my voice.

"I told you to call me Mom like a normal child for God's sake!" she whined, not even acknowledging my response to the hood issue, which came as a relief to me. This was familiar territory that came easily to me when it came to stopping it.

I grinned at her obvious distress. I love getting under her skin. "You don't deserve the name." I muttered, just loud enough for her to hear. I barely had time to gasp when Iris hit the brakes and the car took a sudden halt, jerking me forward into the dashboard. "God dammit, Iris!" I snarled, rubbing my now red forehead. I threw my head back into my seat, my hood falling off my head as I clutched my forehead for a dramatic affect. "Ow.." I fake sobbed, hoping to get out of my first day of school.

But no, I couldn't be that lucky. Iris gave an annoyed snort and said, "Suck it up, Libby. I've just about had it with you."

I thought about snapping something along the lines of, "I've had enough of you, old hag!" but instead, I just sighed and sank into my seat, preserving the last moments of peace before school started. "I got your hood off." was all Iris said as she dropped me off at the curb.

I dragged my messenger bag with me and pulled my hood back up. I sighed. Thirteenth school, here I come. Shielding my eyes from the sunlight, I glanced up at my new school. Hollaway High school was old and smelly. I could tell all that from the exterior.

Sighing again, I trudged up the stairs. "Miss. Sathers?" asked a female voice. 

I looked up, quickly covering my startled expression with my usual indifferent one. "That's me." I said, walking towards the woman.

As I got closer, I looked her up and down. She dressed like a prim and proper grandma, despite her unwrinkled and ungraying hair, with a big silver brooch on her breast and a knitted pink suit on. I rolled my eyes. Oh brother.

She raised a hand mid high and painted on a smile. It looked like it pained her to stretch her mouth that far. "Im Rose Truter, you're guidance counselor. I've helped a lot of people like you, and they succeeded. I'm going to make sure you turn out the same way. I won't lose faith in you. " she announced, puffing out her chest as if that was supposed to impress me.

I cocked an eyebrow. Is this lady serious? Really, she has got to be kidding me. I didn't reply and brushed past her. I'm not even going to bother with this lady. To my surprise, she didn't call me back or yell at me. I sneaked a quick glance back and shivered when I saw her staring at me, her gaze cold and calculating.

I found the office in record time and stepped in quietly. "Libiana Sathers, I'm guessing?" a nice-looking secretary said, looking up from her desk.

Deciding that I liked her, I grinned back. "Yupp!" I replied, popping my "p".

She gave me a smile and introduced herself as Ms. Charles. She handed me a stack of papers. "Schedule, map, and lunch menu. Good luck kiddo." She dismissed me with a friendly wave which I gladly returned. At least someone was actually worth talking to.

I stepped out of the office and made my way down the hall. I knew once I turned the corner, kids would bombard me left and right, toppling me over like a rubber chew toy. I prepared myself, clutching my papers tightly in my fist and draped a protective arm around my bag. Time to enter the battlefield.

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