Chapter 277, your elf slaves can't ! Look at ours !

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   "Surely closed a lot of elves, it seems that let players explore the human world, or a bit of good.

    In the kingdom of God in the tree of the world, Eve, sitting on the throne, looks at pictures in midair.

    That picture is the perspective of the players who explore Maple Leaf City.

    And the most central is Li Mu and Demasia's.

    Eve can clearly see through the picture a famous elf detained in the cell.

    They wore forbidden demon collars around their necks, some even locked limbs, one by one with pointed ears, and their faces were gaunt and desperate.

    Eve could only sigh deeply.

    However, there are also looking at the picture, and looking at the picture of the spirit, eyes with endless anger ... ...

    The vision is of Li Mu and Demasia.

    Then these elves... ...of course they're looking at them.

    And looking at the anger in their eyes, Eve thought :

    "They should be the members of the Oak Hand that the butler mentioned earlier."

    "When the players save the elves, this native force... ...may be under my command."

    He struck the armrest of the glorious throne, and had an idea in his heart.

    On the other side, Li Mu and Demasia looked surprised when they saw the system news.

    "Ha ha ha ! Brother Mu, I told you ! It's all about elf slaves, 100% hidden missions ! And it's a pretty big reward!"

    Demasia typed excitedly on the chat channel.

    "It depends on getting everyone out."

    Li Mu is also very hot-eyed.

    Save an elf... that's 5000 experience and 3000 contribution, half the elf, but almost half.

    If they're all saved, then the golden legend's gear will be in hand !

    You know, if you want to rely on the liver task to get these, that did not abandon all other activities, persist in ten days and a half months of continuous hard liver is not down.

    And now, if you save these npcs, it's all right !

    Thinking of this, both men's eyes at the elf changed.

    And after noticing the undisguised heat and greed in their eyes, Cage's last worry vanished.

    These two are not oak-hands !

    Greed, good !

    Only if he's greedy, he can sell for a good price !

    Cage smiled and said to them :

    "How to ? This is our elf slave, ho ho, the size of the number, the entire Maple Leaf City can't find a second ! And... ...the quality of our Chamber of Commerce is very high!"

    Li Mu and Demasia looked at each other, and Demasia said briskly :

    "Let's make an offer!"

    The smile on Cage's face was even brighter.

    He pointed to one of the cages holding young elves, and said :

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