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Diamonté SmithEleven Miami, FL

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Diamonté Smith
Miami, FL

"We in MIAMI, it's so beautiful out here", Jayda said and I jumped on the bed.

"Girl I'm surprise your ass decided to come Dime since the miss carriage", Katrina said and Jayda smudge her.

"It's okay I'm fine things happen for a reason maybe it wasn't my time to get pregnant", I said and smiled.

Chris and I was devastated when it happened cause we were so excited to becoming parents like everything was okay until that one night Chris was over at my house and I woke up with a puddle full of blood and I knew something was wrong.

After that Chris been really quiet and in the studio, I been trying move forward and forget about it but it's hard cause when you pregnant you get that bond with baby you get use to a baby in your stomach then when you loose it under some circumstances it's like how and why.

We currently in Miami for my brother basketball event, he is going to be coaching the young guys and you know I had to come support my big brother.

"Dime did you invite Chris to come support as well", "yeah I have and he told me he going to see what he can do", I said and rolled my eyes.

Chris he been pushing me to side and every time I come over he always in the studio or out with his boys so I stop coming over and staying back at my place cause I don't have time for his bullshit at all.

Then when I address it to him we get to arguing, it even got to a point he gets in my face yelling and shit blaming me, like why you blaming me because of my miscarriage it's not my fault.

"Anyways I'm about to go head out I'm meeting with my brother for lunch then we going to the game", I said and grab my purse.

I hoped in the car I rented while I'm here, I rented me a orange Lamborghini and it's so sexy.

I had buckle up and begin driving to my destination we eating at Society BBQ.

I finally made it and I parked my car and got out, I had walked inside.

"Hello how can I help you", "Devin Smith", I said and she smiled.

I followed her to the table and I see my brother and this boy laughing on the table.

"Hey Devin", I said and gave him a hug and sat down.

"Diamonté this is Trey, Trey this is my little sister Diamonté", Devin said and I smiled.

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