Ch. 14 Ian No More

Start from the beginning

A small blue bird was flying passed me and landed on my shoulder, I realized I was too still I looked like statue to him, I shifted my weight and was about to go for a walk when I heard a hammering sound coming from inside the house. I paid close attention to it and I recognized it, it was Jace’s heart.

I dashed back to the house at once, I stopped at the door, and her mother was already at her side. I walked quickly to the side of the couch; Josh was now looking at her as well. He glanced one more time at the window and then walked to her.  Her heart was pounding so fast I was afraid she might have a heart attack.

Her wound was still fresh and red; a piece of her skin was hanging at the side of her throat. The blood in the couch was dry and was slowly turning black.

I kneeled down at her side; I wanted to touch her cheek when I heard him come in.

“They’re on his way,” he said slowly. He walk to her and kneeled at her other side.

“They’re?” asked Josh.

“Landon was a look out and I told him what happened, he rushed to the house to look for Caleb, Caleb said he was on his way but Landon wanted to come. The Chief told him he had to stay but Landon said he was coming too.” He explained to them, he then turned to me, “I suggest you to go if you don’t want to die,” he hissed.

“I won’t go,” I said flatly.

“We didn’t kill you because of her, Caleb and Landon will not stop at anything,” said Josh to me coldly.

I couldn’t go! I couldn’t possibly leave her, not now. I had to make sure she would be ok; I had to make sure her heart would become strong again.

“I just want to make sure she is ok,” I said.

Josh glared at me and I was afraid he might kick me out of the house, even though I would stay close, and I would be near just to make sure she was ok.

A massive crack was heard and they all looked at me. But I hadn’t done anything, it was Jace. The crack had happened from somewhere inside her body.

“Her ribs?” asked Eri.

“It can be possible,” replied Josh.

“Oh no, my baby,” moaned her mother.

“It will be ok Nora,” Eri tried to comfort her.

She whimpered one last time, her hands trembling as she stretched one to touch her hair, her body made a jerk like movement and Nora retrieved her hand at once. Wide eyed she watched her daughter jerk once again and again another time.

Josh reached out to her and so did Eri, I stood steal holding my breath and as much as I wanted to touch her I couldn’t because of them.

She jerked once again and he held her down with one hand while Eri did the same.

“What’s going on?” Eri gasped.

“Believe she is finally reacting to the venom,” said Nora rapidly.

“Why are they taking so long?” Josh asked desperately.

“They said they would be here – they’re here!” Eri exclaimed.

I listened and I could hear small thud sounds approaching house fast, the sound was similar to a horse running but it was a much lighter sound do to the fact that the sound was coming from four pair of legs hitting hard against the hard ground.  They kept running fast and slowed down once they both reached the house, their smell hit me fast and this time I couldn’t control it. My sight went sharp at once and my fangs were out and ready.  There was a small crack and one was no longer a wolf. He approached the house half running.

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