" Yea. It's not like anyone is there. Just Peacekeepers. But that can wait, I can come with you."

" I'll be fine. You don't need to see me and him fight, I'm sure it'll happen." He rubs his thumb across my hand. " What are you going to do at the academy?"

" I want to throw..so bad. I miss it."

He nods. I lean over planting a kiss on his cheek, " I promise it'll be ok."

We get into town shortly after, " Meet you at 5?" I ask.

He nods, " Yea, that'll work."

I kiss him one more time before making my way to the academy. I was going to go to the house, but thinking about it more.. I don't think I could.

Every time I think about it, my mind goes instantly to that day with my mom. I wonder if she's still alive? I just don't need that extra hurt right now.

So I just go to the academy, there were kids practicing all stop and look when they see me.

I don't bother being overly nice, I just look plainly before looking away, making my way to one of the private rooms.

On my way, I see a smaller girl with a bow. I see all her targets were centers. She still was shooting, hitting them with such great speed it was impressive.

I lean on the door frame watching her. As soon as she let the arrow go she was already loading another one.

She empties her whole quiver before she gets a hint someone was watching her. She pauses before spinning around to look at me.

She swallows hard, blinking rapidly.

" I'm impressed." I go in the room taking a closer look at her targets. " How old are you?" I ask.

" 13." She meekly says.

" Who taught you to shoot like that?"

" My sister."

" And that is?"

" Destiny Lee. She volenteered 4 years ago."

She died. She was the Female tribute with Artemis. Who won, I remember her.

I give her a sad smile, " She did a great job."

" I don't want to volenteer." She says quickly, ashamed even.

It even takes me back. " The games aren't everything. There's many more thing to live for."

Her eyes brighten, " Really?"

I nod, " Takes very brave people like your sister to volenteer. You should be very proud."

She smiles, a sweet innocent smile.

" Could you teach me?"I ask.

" You used a bow in your games, your already good." She states.

" I think your better at shooting then I am. Always room to learn and improve."

She gives an excited smile, " Ok."

" Ok."

And that's exactly what she does. She gave me tips on things I wouldn't even think of, like hand placement or even what bow is best for you.

Though she's 13, she taught like a grown up. I would've loved to meet her sister, What a waste of talent. I'll need to watch her games.

The 73rd games.

After awhile I noticed she yawned looking a bit tired, though she didn't say anything.

" I think you taught me plenty. Thank you."

Meridia: The Fall (Book 2 Cato Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now