170: Not Be Ruled

Start from the beginning

"Underland? Where's that?" said the first.

"It's this magic land that's...under Remnant," Yang said.

"That sounds nice," said the third.

2 other snake heads had appeared farther off and were watching this, without speaking.

Yang thought they must all have been some kind of serpent, from the shape, a whole family of them.

But they didn't seem to be Grimm. They would be attacking her if they were.

"If you live here, maybe you can tell us the easiest way to get across this channel," she said slowly. 

"You want to go across?" the first head said. "Why? Looking for greener grass? I agree the grass on this side is kind of faded."

"It's better over there," said the second head.

"No, it's better if you go farther along the shore towards the humans," said the third.

"You're both wrong. It's better at the bottom of the ocean," said the fourth.

"No one ever comes to talk to us. What were you and your friends arguing about?" said the fifth.

"Not much," Yang said flatly. 

"Do you really want to go to the other side?" said the fourth more eagerly. "We've been to the other side loads of times."

"I mean, yes," Yang said. "All of us do."

"You should go now," said the second. "If you find it first, they'll have to apologize to you."

"And they were wrong," said the third. "You were just trying to help. It's not fair that things are always worse for you. We were just saying below the surface that you were quite right about that. It's just how it is for us. Things are always harder for us than everyone else."

"I think things are easier for everyone but me," said the fourth one. "I'm the smallest--you all catch more than I do."

"You get what you deserve," said the fifth nastily. "And you always take more from me anyway."

"That's just because you don't give me anything," the fourth said.

"Don't mind them," said the first. "They're so petty. It's not really about the random garbage you find on the ocean floor. The true joy of collecting things is finding things that hardly anyone else has. Like that arm of yours. That must be quite unique."

Yang rubbed it. "It was made for me." 

"You must have done something very noble to earn that," said the second head. 

"I...well, I lost my arm trying to save a friend," Yang said. "That's all. I dunno if it's really noble, but..."

"But of course it is. All humans are so selfish, usually," said the first head. "But you are so brave. I think we should help her."

"Yes, yes," they all chorused. "Clearly she has earned it."

"Look, thanks and all," Yang said a bit warily, "but I think I should wait for my whole team."

"Yang!" Weiss's voice broke into her thoughts.

She came running up. "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh...it's...these things." Yang pointed at them.

"Hi," they all called at Weiss.

"AH! What are those?" Weiss cried.

"Well, she's not as strong as the other one," Weiss heard one of them whispering to its friend.

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