Lancers vs Academia 5: Ancient Kalamity

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Who are you calling little imp, old hag?!" Sora complained. "You were once a proud soldier too, so don't act high and mighty, Asuka!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Asuka waved her hand in dismissive manner. As the two keep bickering to each other, Yuzu watched them while rubbing her temples.

"Are you serious, Sensei? Do you really think you can get through to my father after everything he's done? That man is already beyond redemption if you ask me."

"I have to try at least." Yusho insisted. "This doesn't have to end in violence, Reiji. I believe we've all had our fill of war and loss already. As long as there is a chance we can settle this peacefully, we should aim for it. Besides, no matter what he's done, he's still your father. And in your heart of hearts, I don't think you want to fight him either."

"What I want is irrelevant." Reiji said as he straightened his glasses. "I will do what must be done to end this meaningless war, even if that means I have to confront my own kin. And as far as I'm concerned, the father I grew up with died years ago on the day he disappeared. The Professor we're about to confront is practically a stranger to me."


"As much as I want to side with you, Reiji here is right, Uncle." Yuzu commented, prompted them to look at her.


"Professor already annihilated Xyz Dimension, invading Standard and Synchro, carding peoples, brainwashed the innocents and try to killed and kidnapped our friends. I don't think after all of that, a simple words will convince him."

"What Yuzu said is true, Sensei. But, if you still wish to attempt to persuade him first, then go for it by all means." Reiji continued. "But in my opinion, you're simply wasting your breath. There's no way he'll change his mind so late in the game."

"We shall see." Yusho responded. "Either way, nothing will begin unless we get to him first. And I guess you haven't have much luck locating the throne room so far like us. How are we supposed to find him like that?"

"If you're stumped, how about you allow us to aid you?"

Following that abrupt announcement, two Academia Elites and a dozen of Obelisk Force suddenly appeared. One is a blonde man with a Obelisk Blue clothes. Another one is a black haired man and wears a priest-like clothes.

"Crowler-sensei of all people offer his aid to us?" Sora raised his eyebrow. "Like hell we will trust that."

"With Yusuke on his side? Yeah, this is definitely a trap." Asuka nodded in agreement.

"Hold it, you two." Reiji gestured at the pair. "The newcomers don't appear to be hospital for now. I assume you people has message for us?"

"It appears you are smarter than those two traitors, Akaba Reiji." Crowler said, which make Sora and Asuka glared at him. "That's right. The Professor has ordered us to escort Akaba Reiji, Sakaki Yusho and Hiiragi Yuzu to his throne room because he wished to speak with them. I advise you to follow us obediently and do not make a fuss. He given express orders to not harm you, but we were allowed to restrain you if you cause problems."

"What a interesting proposal." Reiji remarked. "However, I'm not so naïve to put my trust to the enemy leader and blindly follow his soldiers. In addition, you mention to bring Hiiragi Yuzu, who is the main target and made no mention of our companions here. As such, I assume this is definitely a trap and I'm afraid we'll decline your leader's kind invitation. But since you'll insist, we'll be forced to resist. No hard feelings."

"Then you leave us with no choice." Gabriel said as he and Crowler shot an Duel Anchor to Reiji and Yuzu respectively. But, Yuzu was protected by Sora, who quickly jumped in front of her.

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