Uhtred sat tall on his horse sighing, "We go to Wenloca! We find Aethelflead and we get to Ceaster." he dismounted, "Let's find a place to hide the horses."


"Is this St. Milburg's?" Aldhelm asked riding close to the lady.

"Yes. Trust the marker." she responded out of breath.

Dismounting his horse, first Aldhelm looked towards Aethelflaed as she looked to the land, "We should get off the road before night fall." he suggested.

"No, I will be here when my daughter comes." she shook her head thinking about where her daughter might even be, "Aldhelm what if Edward's men have taken my child? What if she is imprisoned somewhere at this very moment not knowing where I am?"

Aldhelm shook his head, "Lady do not torture yourself.",  it had been what he was doing, Saehild was probably was terrified right now, and he could do nothing. But he could not let himself think of such a thing. "Uhtred will have rescued her and he will find us. He has never failed you."

"And yet this feels like failure." she gulped, "A daughter of Alfred riding as an out law in her own country!"

"Your father lived off the land for a while." Aldhelm told offering the lady some water, "He survived and prospered after. In time, we will return to Aegelesburg."

"I'm not certain we can." she paused, "I fear I may have led you along a path from which there is no return. Aldhelm they may spare me but I—"

"I--I understand, Lady. I understand."

Wholly, Aldhelm knew what would happen if Edward gained the upper hand. If he where to die, then so be it. But his daughter's life, that's what mattered most to him. She was so innocent, knowing nothing of what could come to her. There was no more place of refuge for her to hide, he wouldn't be able to protect her.

Hours had past, and yet there was still no Uhtred, no Aelfwynn, nor Saehild. While waiting, Aldhelm had cut up an apple for Aethelflaed, but her mind was to occupied by her daughter's fate to even think about nourishment. She kept pondering if she chose the wrong path. But, while in conversation, they were interrupted when a distant neigh of a horse could be heard. Quickly, they got up to move towards the sound. To their disappointment, it was not the party they were looking for, but a village of commoners.

"Hurry!" a women approached, "For your own safety, don't stay here!"

"Do the Danes return?" Aldehlem asked.

"No. The sickness is taking young and old. Escape the foul air while you can." the women informed.

Aldhelm looked to Aethelflaed tensing his whole body. The last time the sickness came around, he saw it tear through whole villages. The illness was not something to tread lightly on, it spread to anyone and everyone.

"The sickness has not struck for many years." Aethelflaed said in a hushed voice.

The women rejoined her party continuing to move, "Follow us, we go north."

"Join them." Aldhelm nodded his head. As much as it pained him to miss the chance to see his daughter, he had to be alive to do so.

"No, we'll miss Aelfwynn."

"Lady, do not be foolish. The sickness takes all regardless of rank." Aldhelm pleaded.

"I would rather be foolish than abandon my child."

Aldhelm shifted in the grass, sighing quietly. She did not mean the statement to be a stab, but it was said. He took no offense as she was a mother who just wanted her child safe in her arm, as he wished for it too. But right now, their safety from the sickness became his priority.

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