The night

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I was laying down in Blues soft king size bed . He was laying down on my stomach playing with my gold belly piercing . We were quiet but it was a relaxing moment .

You never said you live alone . I said looking down at him.

Ehhh I choose to . My mom and pops were just too much for me ... They always we're only about themselves . they never cared about me . They always went out without me just shoved me to my grandma . .. The never cared . So I left and I took my grandma with me and here I am . He said smiling looking up at me

Where your grandma ?

Oh , she doesn't I've with me .. I bought her a house 5 blocks away from me .

Awe, that's

At least I got to know something about you I laughed .

Baby you already knew sum about me . you knew that your important to me . he said grabbing my hand .

My heart felt the same way when he first said that . I smiled looking the other down

What you think bout beautiful ? He said raising his eyebrow

Nothing I .. Nothing

Your lying . He looked at me

No it's just that I -

What ? He sounded concern

Okay .. Blue I don't know what I'm feeling but I know that it's getting stronger and stronger every time I see you or when you leave it feels like my heart left with you .. I'm falling for you Blue .. I'm scared

Why you scared babe? he said rubbing her thumb on my cheek .

It's just that ... I'm scared . I'm scared if We talk you might deny me and I get hurt .

La'maya . Im going to show you that I'm not playing games with you so you can trust me ... I know .. your insecure but just trust me please

I uh - i i stamerd

Shhh lets get ready for bed I don't wanna Stress you about it .

Okay ..

La 'maya pov.

I went inside the bathroom took my party clothes off and ran the shower . I stepped in and just let the warm water take me . I started to wash my body and rinse off . When I was done I dried off and started to lotion and put night clothes on I had some shorts and a white wife Beater with some socks . I wiped my make up off my face . After I was done I cleaned all my close up and put it in his dirty clothes hamper and opened the doo while turning the light off in the bathroom . When I turned around I saw Blue I some black sweatpants with no shirt on .... oh my god ! he had tattoos ad he was sooooooooo built .

You going keep staring . he laughed

I snapped out my thoughts and started to look at him .

sorry . I laughed

Come on let me show you were you can sleep .

okay . I said softly .

Blue Pov .

I know what you all are thinking why she not sleeping with you .Well I think its best for her not o sleep with me cause I may take things to far and she igh not even want to sleep with me. So she had the 2nd king size bed next door to me

Well here you go . I showed her in the room .

thank you she yawned. stretching out like a little cat .

welcome .. night . I sad waking to he kissing her forehead .

Night blue...

I left out the room and went in mine . I wasn't eve that tired but I knew she was .. sat down in my bed in just started to scroll on Facebook it was dead on there so I went on instagram and scrolled until I saw La'maya's feed and saw her picture she post 4 minutes ago it was her in y bathroom he took a picture of herself the caption said night # WILD NIGHT # NO MAKE UP

She soooo beautiful to me and ....... just like her I think I'm falling for her too .

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