Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

When I walked into the dining hall on November 1st everyone turned around to stare at me. Some people looked at me with an expression of curiosity on their face, others with angry expressions on their faces and a few with expressions of hatred on their faces. My stomach sank. Every Halloween something bad happens and every year it ends up with me being isolated or in some form of danger. This year was both. Someone entered me into the Triwizard tournament under a fourth school. So now everyone hates me and I'm probably going to die.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down. I grabbed a slice of toast and began to nibble at it. I was hungry yet at the same time I wasn't. Hermione walked in and sat down next to me. After a moment she engulfed me in one of her hugs. Normally I am not keen on these hugs as I end up having the breath squashed out of me which brings up bad memories however this time it was comforting.

"Honestly, people are so ridiculous," she muttered in my ear.

"That they are Mione," I responded glumly.

"Listen Harry we will get through this. You have many people who will want to help you."

"Oh yeah," I scoffed "like who?"

"Well there's me, Ginny, the twins, Neville, and I'm sure moony and padfoot will want to help you prepare." Hermione responded in a matter-of-fact way that only slightly lifted my mood.

I sighed and shoved the rest of my toast in my mouth. This would be a long day.

One thing I was curious about, was what school I was entered under. I had done a little reading under the covers last night and it stared that champions must wear their school uniform. Well technically I'm not in my school uniform.

I got up and without saying anything I walked up to the staff table.

"Professor Dumbledore, may I ask you a question?" I asked as I reached the staff table.

"Certainly Harry dear boy, what is it?"

"Well, when the piece of paper came out of goblet of fire with my name on it, what school did it have on it." I queered.

Professor Dumbledore looked uncomfortable, "now Harry that is not necessary information for you to know."

"On the contrary, I believe it is. You see the official Triwizard tournament rule book states that champions must wear their school uniform however I am not so I think it would be appropriate for me to do so." I reasoned getting slightly frustraed at Dumbledore's reluctance.

"Albums just tell the poor boy what school he was entered under." McGonagall snapped impatiently.

Dumbledore sighed. "Very well, Minerva. Harry the school you were entered under was...The Salem Witches Institute."

The whole of the staff table went quiet - I swear I saw Snape choke on his eggs. I bagan to laugh. I couldn't help it.

I said my thanks then walked back to where Hermione sat still laughing.

"Apparently I'm a witch," I grinned.

Hermione choked on her pumpkin juice.
"I'm sorry did I just hear that correctly. Did you just say that you are a witch?"

"Yep I responded still laughing, "I was entered under the Salem Witches Institute."

Hermione began to laugh.

"Do you know where I can get a gender swap potion?" I asked as a brilliant idea jumped into my head.

"I'm pretty sure you could get one from Fred and George, why?" Hermione responded.

"Oh it's just that I want to prank the tournament. Since I am apparently a witch, maybe I should embrace it and become one." I grinned.

Hermione looked at me then roared with laughter.

"This is going to be brilliant!" She wheezed.

Yes it was. I couldn't wait to get started.

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