chapter 12:

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Hoodie pov:

Whilst we were on the way back to the mansion it suddenly felt like eyes were watching us but at the same time it felt like they were only watching one of us. Y/N. Masky seemed to get the feeling of what was going on aswell and not long after all of the others did to. All of us who had our weapons on us, grabbed them and held onto them tightly. We let the others walk ahead to the mansion and soon it was just me, Toby and Masky. Toby went to the back of the group so no one could attack from behind fully and to help protect Y/N from whoever the fuck was trying to sneak up on us.

Y/N seemed annoyed? It could of been about toby going to the back of the group not far behind her or it could of been something else. I noticed that she was fiddling with a necklace and that she kept looking up to the trees as if looking for something or someone?
She knew we were being watched but didnt want to say anything. Suddenly a knife flew past our group and someone jumped down from the trees.

This person wore a white mask sort of like Masky's, a blue hoodie and a tan jacket over the hoodie. None of us had fully seen him as a group before but sometimes some of us would see him going into the town where Y/N had lived or just training. He always knew we were there but never did anything, so why now?

We were all caught of guard about his attack that we didnt notice that someone else had joined him. The other person was armed with a gun and decided to try and threaten to shoot some random girl. Now for the Toby and maybe Y/N it wasnt much of a big deal but me and Masky froze when we saw who he had.


Toby looked confused as to why me and Masky had reacted the way we did instead of ignoring him but Y/N looked at the man with hatred in her eyes.
He said that he wanted Y/N to come with him. When he said that the masked one looked shocked too from what his body language was telling me.

Y/N's pov:

Once I saw that the girl he was threatening to shoot was Jessica I knew I had to do something. I couldnt just let her be shot by some prick! As the others were focused on something else I grabbed Maskys gun and walked to the front of the group.

"You are going to listen to me now, got it alex?" I said pointing the gun at his head.

He looked at me surprised at my actions before speaking, "what makes you think I wont shoot her right now?"
"The fact that you have no bullets in that gun anymore" said the masked one, letting bullets fall to the floor out of his hand.

Alex practically threw Jessica against a tree and as soon as he did, I ran up to her to check on her. She was unconcious but by the looks of it she had no fatal injuries. However I couldnt be too sure. Who knows what that sick bastard did? Brian came over to me and said that Toby and him were going to get her to EJ and that me and Masky can deal with the other two.
When I turned back around to face the other two, Alex was shouting at the masked one whilst the other made no effort to argue back.

I could of just left it but instead I raised the gun I currently had in my possession and aimed for Alex's head. I tried to aim for the exact place where he got shot when he died. I didnt know why I wanted to aim there, I just did. Once I pulled the trigger, the bullet pierced his skull for the second time in his existence and he fell to the floor clutching his head where he was shot the first time.

As he sat on the floor, I walked over to him with the gun still in my hand. I leant over him a bit and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up at me. Once he did, he soon so had a hand print across his face.

"Your lucky you cant die again, prick or I would of killed you by now" I spat at him.

Alex gave me no answer so I walked away from him and back to Tim. I handed him his pistol and I realised that the masked one was still there and he seemed even more surprised than Tim.

"Who are you" Masky asked him.

"She knows me or did you already forget about me?" He answered back whilst lifting his mask up looking directly at me.

The person who stood before me now was a one that we knew.

"Hello again sister" he said with a smirk.

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