Chapter 10:

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Hoodie pov:

We decided to wait until after the couples' walk to tell EJ about everything even though he was most likely going to find out due to us all going to watch them. Y/N was taken upstairs by Sally saying that she wanted to play. That left us to deal with Masky. When we all looked at him he only responded with,"What?"

It took longer than expected to get him to put something other than his work clothes on.

However when we were finally able to get him to wear something suitable for this occasion he decided on some jeans and a black top with his mask on the side of his face. EJ had seemed to have gotten the hint that something was going on with Masky and Y/N and took his mask.

"You can't hide your face from her forever plus by the sounds of it, she already knows what you look like." He said.

Tim grumbled due to losing his mask.
"It's only for the night, Masky! Now stop complaining!" EJ instructed.

Jane's pov:

As the others were getting Masky ready, we had the job of getting Y/N into something of our choice. We had decided to let Sally chose her outfit and Y/N was now trying it on. Sally hadnt told me or Clockwork what the outfit looked like at all but said that it would be a surprise. Y/N came out of the bathroom wearing a loose white top and some grey jeans on. She also wore some black boots and had added her own accesories like a black ring and some other jewellery.

Me and Clockwork decided to not put much makeup on her and make it a natural look. We let her hair hang loosely by her shoulders.

We all thought that she was ready but then Clockwork picked up a black rose and put it in her hair.

"Dont black roses symbolise death? Or something along those lines?" Y/N asked.

"Maybe but that doesn't matter right now! What matters is you going down there and spending time with Masky!" Clockwork exclaimed.

Y/N smiled as we allwalked out of the room and downstairs were the others were all waiting.

Ben pov:

I didnt understand why we were all standing at the door waving to Y/N and Masky. I mean they were just going on a walk, weren't they? Thats when I realised that they were going on a date!? Ew! Why date someone when you can play video games and try to kill the person your playing them with?

However, I did get entertainment out of this apparently we were going to watch them and see what they do. That should be fun, I guess... plus the faces Jeff was making at this was hilarious to me.

We all made sure that they were a good distance away before we started making our way towards the place they would be hanging out so we could all watch. Maybe this evening wouldnt be so bad after all? I mean I could get some blackmail of them both? Eh whatever I most likely wont get any, anyway.

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