Chapter 9:

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Masky pov:

I cant believe Jack had convinced me to admit that I liked her! Even when I knew her during Marble Hornets, I had never had the courage to speak to her or tell her how I felt. Her hanging with Hoodie and Toby was the last straw basically. When I had got her to a separate room from the others, I had a bit more courage?

"So what did you want to speak about?" She asked me.

"Well, I like you more than a friend, Y/N.." I admitted.

She burst out laughing at what I said before saying, "ha! Good one. Now what did you actually want to talk to me about?"

Was she actually serious?! Could she not believe that I liked her?

Y/N's pov:

When Masky told me that, at first I thought that he was joking, I mean why would he like me? He's hated me since day one!

"You want to know the truth!? Okay I like you, Alot! Probably more than anyone ever did... But you just seem to not care... when I try to give hints... you just... dont seem to notice them... I wonder... why? When I talk to you... your always with HIM. I've been trying to tell you this for a long time but I never knew how to! I get angry when you hang out with Hoodie or Toby.. yes I do.. of course I do.. it's a hint I guess.. but you dont seem to notice that too.. it wont ever be too late to tell me how you feel. I just wanted to tell you that I'm crazy after you, Y/N." He practically shouted.

"I-Im sorry, I never thought that would be why. I never saw the signs..." I avoided looking at him as my face went red.

"You never do though! Do you? I get jealous when you hang with other males! What am I even saying? Of course you dont like me! Im a serial killer!" He muttered to himselfwhilst looking at me.

"I do like you..." I spoke quietly but just enough for him to hear.

He smiled at me, as I blushed harder at what I confessed. Just then he asked if I would accompany him tomorrow night to which I said yes to!

Hoodie pov:

We were all stood behind the door watching them and the girls were trying hard not to fangirl. Me and Toby looked at each other knowing that we all would be helping them continue getting closer together and that we wouldnt let this relationship die. Looking back in the direction where Jane, Clockwork and Sally were stood, I noticed that they were all already gone. Probably going to find an outfit for Y/N to wear for tomorrow night.

LJ had also left, probably gone with the others or something. You never know what hes up to, not like you ever do with anyone. Jeff and Ben had left as soon as Masky confessed to Y/N saying that it was too disgusting for them both.  However we all knew this would of happened at some point. Just need to hope Slender doesnt find out about her still being here as we were supposed to kill her a while ago. Good thing he's gone for awhile though!

Was there anyone else that we had to introduce her to? Just then the front door to the mansion opened and in walked EJ. Fuck! We always forget him! He may be the one who takes care of our injuries but he is quite antisocial and doesnt really show his face often.

"What are you two doing now?" He asked us.

As if it couldnt get any worse, Masky and Y/N walked out of the room they were in and saw EJ.

"And what is she still doing here? Slender no longer has any need for her!" He growled.

"We'll explain later EJ but right now we have things to do!" I said hurredly.

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