Chapter 11:

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3rd person pov:

As Masky and Y/N walked through the forest, the sky kept becoming darker and darker. However when they got to a large field they stopped confusing the others who were following quite a distance behind them.

The only thing that lit up the field was the moon light shining down upon the two. Fireflys came out and also lit up the field but not as much. Both of them stood in the field embracing each other for a while until Y/N led the other to a patch of flowers and picked a few. She then sat down and started weaving them through each other before making a flower crown and placing it upon the others head. Laughter was then heard as a small child ran up to them both holding a bear plush in her hands.

Hoodie pov:

What was Sally doing? We all looked at each other before looking back to where the others were supposed to be. Sally and Y/N were staring straight at us but Masky was nowhere to be seen.

"Really? You decided to follow us both out here?" Someone spoke up behind us.

Maksy was there. He walked to the front of us before saying, "come on then. We may aswell all spend some time here."

By the time we all got to Sally and Y/N, Sally was now wearing a pink flower crown and she had put her bear teddy down in the flower patch.

As it got later into the night, the more comfortable we all seemed to get around each other. There were no arguements, well apart from Jeff and Jane trying to kill each other but thats normal, and everyone seemed to be having fun. The girls and LJ were now all dancing in the middle of the field with Sally, making them all laugh. Jeff, Ben and Toby were discussing something a little away from us all and EJ was just stood with them I think? Me, Masky were keeping an eye on them all while just talking. Masky was lay down whilst I just sat next to him.

"This is nice isnt it, Hoodie?" Masky asked.

"Yeah it is. It reminds me of the late night adventures during Marble Hornets doesnt it?"

"Yeah, too bad Jay isnt here to see all this"

"You realise we are going to have to get rid of her when slender is back, right?" I say without looking at him.

"Yeah I know. But lets just make the most of whats going on now"

Suddenly an arguement had sprung up between toby's group. The others paid no attention to them and continued doing there activities.

It was nice to feel free even if it was only for one night.

Y/N's pov:

We heard the other group start and arguement but we had decided to stay out of it. I mean it wasnt our problem plus most of their group is a bunch of idiots.

Suddenly through the trees I saw someone watching us all. He wasnt anyone I had met in the mansion though and he didnt seem to want to come near us but he did feel familiar to me? He had a hoodie on under a jacket and he wore a mask to cover his face. Not like I'd be able to see his face this far away in the dark. I was made to look away when Brian had decided that we should all be getting back.

All throughout the walk back to the mansion, my mind kept wondering back to who that person watching us was. Although I couldnt fully see him, I could tell that he wasnt someone that was friends with these guys. During going back to the mansion, I felt someone watching us all but nobody was around. Was it that person from the woods earlier?

I didnt know but whatever was watching us seemed to have gotten the attention of the others as they had seemed to have grabbed their weapons and were holding onto them tightly.

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