To the boys of the argo 2: whos the best boyfriend?

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Jason: me obviously.
Percy: me duh.
Leo: da ladies luv me
Frank: ......
Frank: I'd like to think I have a chance.
Percy: *laughs* did you fall in Tartarus with Piper?
Jason: no but-
Percy: did you give up immortality for her?
Jason: i-
Percy: I remembered wise girl even when my memories were gone.
Jason: I caught her when she fell off the Grand Canyon.
Piper: point Jason.
Percy: I caught Annabeth when we fell off the edge of the pit.
Piper: point Percy.
Annabeth: Percy has four points
Piper: Jason has one.
Leo: I literally died for calypso.
Piper: hmmm
Annabeth: two points Leo.
Hazel: Frank knows that I don't want to take things too far yet. He respects me.
Frank: *blushes*
Piper: point Frank.
Annabeth: plus, Frank isn't bragging which Is a sweet quality.
Piper: so Jason with one, Frank And Leo have two and Percy has four.
Jason: do you KNOW how stressful it is, not only dating a pretty girl, but a girl who's mom is the love goddess!
Annabeth: hmmmm
Piper: true true.
Hazel: Jason, Leo, Frank all have two point and Percy has four.
Percy: annabeths mom doesn't like me.
Percy: and her and my dad don't like each other.
Annabeth: either way, the Winner is...
Piper: PERCY!

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