Poesidon: who is your fav, triton or Percy? Must be there when u say.

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Poseidon: oh, this a real easy question.
Triton: of course it should be your future ruler
Percy: or, the person that saved you, and the world, twice while almost dying.
Triton: o-or the one who who's mom your still with!
Percy: or the demigod who went threw Tatarus.
Triton: er-
Percy: and fought Kronos.
Triton: Uhhhhhhh
Percy: oh and those giant things
Percy: and got the Golden Fleece
Percy: and brought the Lightning bolt and Hades realm of darkness.
Percy: and found a way threw the maze thing.
Poseidon: of course #teampercy
Triton: but- but daaaaad
Poseidon: shut the hades up you disgrace. You haven't done much for me but be a pain in my godly behind.
Percy: I am posei- Done with you triton.
Percy: #persassy

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