Child of The Dragon King

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I wake up and see a red man. I jump a little as it was unexpected. I look over and see my mother smiling at me from the bed. I snuggle into the warmth of my father. He gave off more warmth than a regular human.

I found out that my father was infact a god. He was a dragon in human form. Unlike my other godly parents he stayed with me and my mother most of the time. He taught me how to use his powers and took me to the ocean to test them out.

I loved to go swim in the ice cold water with my father. We would talk to the creature and ask if they needed anything. While my father was busy talking I would take a little bit of blood from one of the creatures to keep me alive. Though I am not sure if it could even kill me at this point of if it would just make me weak.

When I was seven things changed. My mother got very sick. I tried to care for her and heal her without anyone noticing but it was all for not. She died on the eve of my eighth birthday after about a year of suffering. My father took me to his castle in the sea for a while to allow me to mourn.

When the mourning period was over he took me back to the surface. With great sadness he decided to leave me at the magic school of this area. "You will be safer here as you were not made to have to withstand the godly world." He said as he turned to leave me.

"I promise I will visit you many times bàba." He turns back with a smile.

"I look forward to it." He says before leaving.

The school treated me well as their ward but I was younger than the children they were used to. They often treated me as you would a much younger child.

I spent most of my time reading or visiting my family while everyone was in class. I would also help out the nurse as she treated sick students. When class was out many of the students would play games with me. I helped students who missed their little siblings feel a little better.

When I finally turned eleven I became an actual student of the school. I was sorted into Qilin. The other first years were confused by the close relationships I already had with the teachers and older students.

I graduated at the top of my class and decided to become a medwitch. I finished my courses quickly and became the nurse at the school.

During the breaks I would visit all of my family including fùmǔ. I spent most of my time fixing quidditch injuries. I was highly favored by the students and many of the teachers for my gentle demeanor.

When I was old and grey I knew my time was about to come. I traveled to see my family one last time before going back to my home.

Today all my family has gathered at my home. I smiled at them as I felt my light going out. "See you again soon." I said to them before sinking into the darkness of death.

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