Prince of Hell

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I wake up in the arms of a man. His smile unnerving. I look over to see that my mother is dead. The man hands me to a woman who is equally unnerving before he abruptly dies.

She takes me and walks to a different place. "My prince, Cresil." She says with a smile that doesn't quite fit her face.

I later learned that I was the prince of Hell. My father being Lucifer and my mother being Lilith. The woman who took care of me acted like a servant. She would move us every few months. I aged at a rate of about three years of age per every actual years until I was an adult.

My father and mother would sometimes come to visit me in vessels. They would try to get me to choose the side of the demons every time.

When I was six, I reach maturity in my powers and looks. So I banished the demons watching me and left. I moved to another place and changed my name to Cornelius.

At eleven I got a letter to another wizarding school, Ilvermorny. I decided to go so I change my appearance to that of a normal child. When I was sorted all of the statues reacted so I got to pick. I chose pukwudgie. A group that favored healers. We then chose wands another for me. This time it was a mix of Alder, elder and yew. With a core of vampire fang, unicorn blood willingly given and veela hair.

My time at the school was good and I made many friends. I spent the summers moving around to get the angels and demons off of my tail during the school year. I finished with top marks and got to take my new wand home.

I sent letters to my family that it wasn't safe for me to visit them through the shadows. I spent my time traveling the world and banished every angel and demon that came after me.

Currently I am in England walking through the streets that have changed much from my childhood memories. I come across a man who clearly has been viciously attacked. I walk over to the man who looks to be slowly bleeding out. "What did this to you?"

"A vampire!" He says with venom. I look him over and see that he has been injected with the vampires poison. Which will either kill him or change him into a vampire slowly and painfully. I carefully remove the venom before turning to him.

"I am going to have to turn you. Or the remanence of the poison will choose what happens next. It will either kill you or turn you very slowly and painfully. If you turn someone properly it will take only a day and have very little backlash."

He looks at me sharply before nodding. I elongated my fangs and bite him. The flavor of his blood fills my mouth with an unusual taste as I don't drink from humans. After I drink enough for it to work I cut my hand and place it over his mouth. He drinks before passing out.

I carry him to the house I am staying at and place him on the bed before conjuring another bed to sleep in.

I wake up at dawn as I always have and see that he is still asleep. I make some food from some rabbits. I drain the blood and put it into glasses before cooking the meat. When I finish I see that he is awake.

"Good morning. Let's eat some food and then we will talk." He gets up and sits at the table as I place a cup of blood and a plate of rabbit Infront of him.

He looks at the blood suspiciously. "I refuse to drink blood!"

"Don't worry it is not human it is from rabbits." He looks at the blood with little hatred now. He eats all the food and drinks all the blood before we talk. "So I am Cornelius who are you?"


"It is a pleasure to meet you. Now about you being a vampire. You will be required to drink blood but it can be from anything, garlic and crosses are a myth. Thought you may develop an allergy to garlic. The sun just makes you weak it doesn't kill you. I think that is all so you better go I am going to have some guests soon. I will visit to check on you ever once and a while." He nods before leaving.

I feel a small group of demons approaching. I don't want to deal with it so I call Ankou. She arrives very quickly. "I don't want to deal with this life anymore. The constant movement is annoying. I want you to kill me with your scythe as it is one of the only ways to kill me." She nods before taking her scythe and removing me from this life.

I spent a few years after death helping her until it was time to return to the world of the living.

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