I could feel eyes on me during my walk to Rafael's house although I couldn't see anyone but it wasn't unexpected. Even after killing my father I didn't expect everyone to look at me as more than Mikhail Ivanaov's daughter. My name will always be stained by my fathers reputation, it's something I accepted a long time ago.

My knock on the door was answered by a dark haired woman with kind gray eyes who introduced herself as Viola DeLuca. Without even telling me who she was I knew she was Enzo's Mom. I still had so many questions for Enzo and seeing her only brought them to surface all over again. How did he find out Lorenzo was his father, did his Mom tell him? How did he tell everyone? Did Giovanni step down without an argument? I had to mash my lips together so I didn't start firing them at her. I don't want to hear it from her, I want to hear it from him.

I followed her into the kitchen where Sofia was seated at a large island, laughing with another girl. Their laughter ceased at the sight of me and it was then I had wished I'd washed off before seeing Sofia so she didn't have to see me covered in our fathers blood. Knowing I killed him would be traumatic enough. Instead of horror Sofias eyes held relief as she flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

"I was so worried about you." She had whispered before pulling back to look me over. "Nico assured me you were okay but I needed to see it for myself."

"I'm fine." I mustered up the best smile I could manage.

Smiling was the last thing I wanted to do. I felt worn down and only half alive. All I wanted was a shower and a bed.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for leaving you here so long." I apologize, fighting back tears as everything weighs me down until I worry I'll snap and the dam will break right here in front of Enzo's Mom.

I doubt they'd care to see me cry, they'd probably think it was tears for my father. They'd be wrong though.

"Would you like to take a shower? I'm sure I have some spare clothes you can wear." The girl Sofia had been talking to asked me. My gaze went to her, familiar amber eyes stared back at me. She gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm Alessia, Enzo's sister."

I glanced down at my dirty clothes and then at Sofia, hesitant to take the offer. I'd left her alone much longer than I ever intended, I'd hate to leave her alone with them even longer just so I could feel a little more comfortable.

"We aren't your enemies, not anymore." Viola said quietly.

They were much nicer than I expected. Maybe, like Nolani, they understood I was forced to do things I didn't want. Or maybe it was them showing respect for Enzo, either way I appreciated the kindness.

With Sofias encouragement that she was fine I followed Alessia upstairs where she gave me a change of clothes and I took a shower. I wanted to spend hours scrubbing my skin until I felt like myself again but I didn't want to leave Sofia for too long so instead I quickly washed off and got out.

After dressing I thanked them for their hospitality and Nico, who had been in the kitchen when I made it back downstairs, drove us to Toni's at my request to see Aleksandra. I found Vero at Toni's and I could tell by his attitude he thought I'd been off having a fuck fest with Luca and Enzo while he waited around for me. If I hadn't been so exhausted that I crashed shortly after they laid me down I probably would've lost myself in their bodies so I didn't bother telling him what actually happened.

My second surprise of the day was Toni giving us a van to haul our Bratva prisoners in and the third was him releasing them and Aleksandra to me without argument. It only solidified my theory that Enzo knew I would leave. If there's one thing Toni is, it's loyal to the Family, even I knew he would never do any of it without the Dons approval. Aleksandra was a mess and she refused to even make eye contact with me. She didn't mutter a word even as Vero buckled her up between two of our fathers men. 

The Deep EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora