Chapter 31

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"Go to sleep, Lorenzo, it's late." Mamma says sternly, plucking the open book from my grasp.

"But I'm not tired, Mamma." I whine, my eyes tearing up as she closes my book without marking my place. "Please, just one more chapter."

"It's almost ten o'clock, you have school in the morning. You have to sleep, no more reading tonight. If I hear you again Papà will be the one to come in here to scold you." She warns and I quickly mash my lips together. "Love you, Good night."

The door closes with a soft click and I heave a distressed sigh. I turn toward the window, looking up at the moon in the night sky. How can I sleep when I don't know if the dragon will be slayed? Will it continue to burn the village down? Dragons are so big, how could you possibly kill one?

I huff and turn back toward the door. Zio Lorenzo told me that it was his favorite book but wouldn't tell me why, he said I had to read it for myself and then I would understand. I have to know.

I'm anxious to finish the book but if I start reading again Mamma will hear me. I can't seem to be quiet while I read, I get pulled into what's happening and forget I'm supposed to be going to sleep. I could read it somewhere else, Mamma should only check on me if she hears me again but if I'm not in here then she won't.

I slip out of bed and grab the book from the shelf, sneaking out of my room silently. My heart races with adrenaline as I tiptoe down the hall, knowing if I get caught I will be in so much trouble.

My steps are silent, heart racing as I listen for the sound of Mama, Rafael or any of my real Papà's men. Moonlight shone on the tile floor through the windows that lined the hall, illuminating my every move. My real Papà told me one day everything around us will be mine and I'll be in charge. I can't wait for that day. Then I can read all I want and everyone will know who my real Papà is. It makes me sad that I have to call Rafael Papà and my real father Zio Lorenzo, especially when I have to say it in front of my real Papà. I get this gross feeling in the pit of my stomach and I can't make eye contact with him for an hour afterwards. He assured me he understood but that doesn't make it any easier.

I love my real Papà and I'm his only child, I want everyone to know. I like being his son. He encourages all the things I love to do that others think are silly. I don't hate Rafael, he does treat me like a Papà should but he can be so cold where my real Papà is warm. Rafael yells when my little brother Leo or I cry because we're supposed to behave like men and men don't cry. My real Papà says men do cry so I cry just not in front of Rafael. He can be scary sometimes.

The sound of a door opening behind me makes me freeze in the middle of the hallway with nowhere to hide. Busted.

"Lo, why are you roaming the halls at such an hour? You should be sleeping." My real Papà murmurs quietly.

Tension left my body at the sound of his voice. I turned to face him with a big smile on my face and my book clutched to my chest. He won't rat me out to Mamma, he told me a long time ago he would always protect me and I fully believe it. He's one of the only adults who don't talk to me like I'm just an annoying kid. He makes me feel like I matter.

"I just want to keep reading." I whispered. "One more chapter and I'll go to bed."

His eyes dropped to the book and he pursed his lips. "Okay, come on." He opens the door to his office and quickly ushers me inside, shutting the door behind us.

"One more chapter and then you are to head straight to bed, understand?" He questioned sternly but I could see his lips twitching as he fought a smile.

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